Tuesday 15 December 2020

10std English unit 7 Prose The Dying Detective

 10std English unit 7 Prose The Dying Detective

The Dying Detective In Text Questions

The Dying Detective Questions and Answers Class 10 Question a.
How did Watson feel when he heard of Holmes illness?
Watson felt horrified when he heard of Holmes illness because he had hot heard about it before.

Question b.
Why didn’t the landlady call the doctor?
The landlady didn’t call the doctor because Holmes would not allow her to bring one.

Question c.
What was the condition of Holmes when Watson saw him?
Holmes had a gaunt face. His eyes had a brightness of fever, his cheeks were flushed and his hand twitched all the time. He lay listless.

Question d.
According to Holmes what was the disease he was suffering from?
Holmes was suffering from Tarpaunli fever or black Formosa plague.

Question e.
Who did Watson see when he entered the room?
Watson saw Culverton Smiths butler at the doorway. On entering the room, he saw a thin man with bald head, Mr. Culverton Smith.

Question f.
What were the instructions given by Holmes to Watson?
Holmes did not want Watson to go before six. He asked Watson to persuade Smith to come, to tell Smith that Holmes was dying and force Smith to come. Watson should return to Holmes’ house, before Smith’s arrival. He asked Watson to light the gas and keep it half-on.

Question g.
Why did Holmes plead with Smith?
Holmes pleaded with Smith to cure him of his disease.

Question h.
Who was responsible for Victor Savage’s death? What was the evidence for it?
Culverton Smith was responsible for Victor Savage’s death. The ivory box was the last piece of evidence of it.

Question i.
What explanation did Holmes give for speaking rudely to Watson?
Holmes explained that he spoke rudely to Watson because he wanted to bring Smith there and he didn’t want Watson to know that he wasn’t ill.

Question j.
How was Holmes able to look sick?
Holmes starved for three days without food and water to look really sick.

The Dying Detective Textual Questions

A. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
Who was Mrs. Hudson? Why was she worried?
Mrs. Hudson was the landlady of Sherlock Holmes. She was worried because Holmes was very sick.

Question 2.
Why didn’t Holmes let Watson examine him?
Holmes didn’t let Watson examine him by telling that he was suffering from a deadly and contagious disease. In fact Holmes was acting as if he was a sick person. If Watson examined him, he would know that Holmes was not ill.

Question 3.
Why did Holmes warn Watson against touching his things? What was Watson’s reaction?
Holmes warned Watson against touching his things because he disliked others touching his things and the box was an important evidence. Watson sat down silently.

Question 4.
What did Watson find on the table near the mantelpiece?
Watson found a small black and white ivory box with sliding lid, on the mantelpiece.

Question 5.
Who is Mr. Culverton Smith?
Mr. Culverton Smith is the man who has the knowledge of the disease, Holmes was suffering from. He is a planter. He lives in Sumatra, now visiting London.

Question 6.
What did Holmes ask Watson to do before leaving his room?
Holmes asked Watson to put the money in his pockets, light the gas lamp half on, and place some letters and paper on the table. He also asked him to place the ivory box within his reach.

Question 7.
What instructions did Holmes give Watson to get Mr. Smith?
Holmes asked Watson to persuade Mr. Culverton Smith of 13, Lower Burke Street to come and to tell him that Holmes was dying. He asked him to plead with Smith to save him.

Question 8.
Why did Holmes want Smith to treat him?
Holmes wanted Smith, to treat him because he was the only man with the knowledge of the disease Holmes was suffering from.

Question 9.
According to Smith how did Holmes get the disease?
According to Smith, Holmes got the disease from the spring in the ivory box, that drew blood.

Question 10.
Who arrested Smith? What were the charges against him?
Inspector Morton arrested Smith on charges of murder of Victor Savage.

Short Questions & Answers – Additional

Question 1.
How did Watson know Holmes was sick?
Mrs. Hudson, the landlady of Sherlock Holmes told Watson that Holmes had been sinking for three days and he would not allow any doctor to come in. After she had insisted Holmes accepted that Watson could see him.

Question 2.
How did Holmes react when Watson came to see him?
Holmes stopped Watson from entering his room, stating that he was suffering from a deadly disease that he got from Sumatra. When Watson tried to force himself to go near Holmes, Holmes told him that he would only allow a doctor in, when he had confidence and Watson wasn’t a specialist in that field. Holmes wanted Culverton Smith, who was knowledgeable about the Eastern Diseases to deal with him.

Question 3.
What happened when Watson waited behind the locked door?
Watson was asked to wait till 6 O’ clock to bring a doctor of Holmes’ choice. Holmes suggested that Watson could read some books. Unable to read, Watson walked around the room and happened to see a black and white ivory box on the mantelpiece. When he held it to see it, Holmes gave a dreadful cry. He asked Watson not to touch any of his things. So Watson sat in dejection until 6’0 clock.

Question 4.
Describe the character of Mr. Culverton Smith.
Culverton Smith was the only man who had the knowledge of the disease, Formosa plague. He was not a medical man. He was a planter. He lived in Sumatra. He lived at 13, Lower Burke Street. He was frail with a bald head. He killed his nephew, Victor Savage. Holmes as the dying detective pretended to be sick to bring the truth out of Culverton Smith.

B. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.

Question 1.
How did Holmes trap Mr. Culverton Smith to confess the murder?
Holmes sent Watson to bring Culverton Smith who was the only man who knew how to cure Eastern diseases. Holmes pretended to be seriously ill with black Formosa Plague. He had starved for 3 days, very sick and dying. When Watson pleaded with Smith to save Holmes, the shocked Smith rushed to Holmes. There Holmes spoke about the ivory box that confirmed the disease to Smith.

Holmes also said that he very well knew that Smith was behind the murder of Victor Savage, who was a victim of the same disease. Smith confessed and said none could prove it. Smith also told that Holmes’ end is nearing. Holmes asked Smith to brighten the lamp so that he could see him better. Holmes was only acting as if he was sick. Thus he made Smith confess the truth about the murder of Victor Savage.

Question 2.
How did Watson help his friend to arrest the criminal?
Holmes sent Watson was sent by Holmes to 13 Lower Burke Street, where Culverton Smith lived. Watson pleaded with Smith to save Holmes, who was suffering from plague. On hearing Holmes’ name, Smith was shocked. Before Smith could come along, Watson left, to meet Holmes to inform about Smith’s arrival. He disappeared to the next room before Smith came. As Holmes and Smith were speaking about the dangerous ivory box and the spring that drew blood, Smith said that Holmes would die of it, as Victor had died.

But Holmes stated he was sure Smith was behind the murder of Victor. But Smith told that none could prove it. When Smith tried to get away with the ivory box, which was the last piece of evidence, Inspector Morton came in to arrest him on charges of murder. Thus Watson brought Smith to Holmes and made way for the arrest.

Paragraph Question & Answer Additional

Question 1.
Describe Sherlock Holmes as the dying detective.
Mrs.Hudson the landlady of Holmes told Watson that Holmes of was dying of a dreadful disease, he had contracted from Rotherhithe while working on a case. He had been sinking for three days without eating or drinking. He could not allow any doctor to take care of him. His face was gaunt, his eyes had the brightness of fever and his cheeks were flushed. His hands twitched all the time and he was listless. The disease being contagious, he did not even allow Watson, his close friend and a doctor to come close to him.

He only wanted Culverton Smith who had the knowledge of Eastern disease to treat him. He pretended to be sick in order to bring out the truth behind the murder of Victor Savage. While Culverton Smith was in conservation with Holmes regarding the death of Victor Savage, Holmes pleaded with Culverton Smith to cure him. Smith heard about the box and tried to take it away as it was the last evidence to prove the murder. Meanwhile the police arrest Smith on charges of murder. Thus the dying detective successfully pretends to bring out the truth behind the murder.


C. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct options given.

1. Niteesh bought a ………………. (knew / new) cricket bat.

2. The shepherd ……………… (herd / heard) the cry of his sheep.

3. Lakshmi completed her baking ……………… (course / coarse) successfully.

4. Priya has broken her …………………. (four / fore) limbs.

5. Leaders of the world must work towards the (peace/piece) of human race.

Use the given examples and make sentences of your own. Commonly confused words.

1. My friend had brought many things from his native place.
2. My grandfather had bought a pair of spectacles from the shop.
3. Bad weather affected the health of the people.
4. Some bacteria have good effects on the human system.

D. Complete the tabular column by finding the meaning of both the words given in the boxes. Use them in sentences of your own.
The Dying Detective Questions and Answers Pdf
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 6


E. Listen to the story and answer the questions given below.

Question 1.
Where does this story take place?
(a) in a bakery
(b) at the police station
(c) in Ms. Gervis’ house
(d) in Ms. Gervis’ apartment
(d) in Ms. Gervis’ apartment

Dying Detective Question 2.
Near the beginning of the story, “Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears. Her hands are shaking.” How does Ms. Gervis probably feel?
(a) She is upset
(b) She is tired
(c) She is hungry
(d) She is confused
(a) She is upset

Question 3.
What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the windows?
(a) The windows are locked
(b) The windows face the police station.
(c) The windows have not been used in months.
(d) The windows are too small for a person to fit through.
(c) The windows have not been used in months

Question 4.
What else was stolen from the apartment?
(a) crystal
(b) jewelry
(c) money
(d) nothing
(d) nothing

Question 5.
“And the robber definitely did not use the front door.” Which is the best way to rewrite this sentence?
(a) “And the robber may not have used the front door.”
(b) “And the robber probably did not use the front door.”
(c) “And the robber was not able to use the front door.”
(d) “And the robber certainly did not use the front door.”
(b) “And the robber probably did not use the front door”

Question 6.
What does Ms. Gervis do with her cakes?
(a) She eats them
(b) She sells them
(c) She hides them
(d) She gives them away
(d) She gives them away

Question 7.
What does the detective seem to think will happen if he solves the mystery?
(a) Ms. Gervis will start baking cakes again
(b) Ms. Gervis will bake him extra cakes
(c) Ms. Gervis will give him her secret recipe
(d) Ms. Gervis will give him money and jewels
(a) Ms. Gervis will start baking cakes again

Question 8.
Do you like mysteries? What is your favorite kind of story? Explain.
I like mysteries which are not dangerous and frightening. The stores like what we have read just now is good to listen with no negative or criminal mind at work. Stories, where boys try to hunt he treasure and land themselves in mysterious surrounding, search for the treasure with a lot of difficulty for a long time and finally succeed are interesting to read.


F. Exercise

Question 1.
Present the review of a movie that you have watched recently.
Good Morning Friends. Recently I watched the movie TITANIC. I was thrilled to see the size of the ship that was built in such a way that it would not sink. The interiors and all the advanced and aristocratic machinery used, attracted my attention. Unfortunately, it strikes an iceberg and sinks. Many get killed and the only survivor is an old lady, who narrates the entire story of the ship and she was a passenger when she was around twenty years. They have taken great efforts to make the movie which was a real incident.

Question 2.
Give the review of a book that has interested you a lot.
I enjoyed reading, Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”. The way the playwright uses disguise to make the story interesting. The value of friendship is also a highlight here. How each friend helps the other at the time of need and how Portia disguised as a lawyer to save Antonio who had helped them by borrowing money, from Shylock. Shakespeare employs clever argument through Portia who saves Antonio by telling that he could take a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body without shedding a drop of Christian blood. And then Shylock realises his mistake. That is a good story, which teaches one not to be greedy.

Question 3.
Review an event which your school has hosted recently.
Recently our school hosted an inter-school cultural event. About 20 schools from the city participated in many competitions conducted on stage and off stage. It proved to be a platform to show case the talents of students from various schools. We enjoyed watching various performances.


G. Match the following.

The Dying Detective Worksheet


  1. c
  2. e
  3. d
  4. a
  5. b

H. State whether the given statements are true or false. If false correct the statements.

1. Mathew is a very busy man.
2. He woke up very late in the morning.
3. He always had lunch with his family.
Correct Statement: He always had lunch with Lalli and Lolly.
4. He exercised with Louise every day.
Correct Statement: He exercised with Basky every day.
5. He preferred handling mail by himself.
Correct Statement: He preferred handling mail with Louise.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False

I. Create a pamphlet for the following

Question 1.
Make a pamphlet on ‘Dengue Awareness’ (Focus on its causes, preventions, symptoms and precautions).
The Dying Detective Summary Sparknotes

Question 2.
Make an attractive pamphlet for your school’s Fair organised for raising funds for (any) relief (Specify the date, time, types of stalls and the reasons for the fair).
Tarpaunli Fever

Question 3.
Make a pamplet on the latest gadgets (Mention the variety of models, uses, need and avability).
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 4

J. Write a letter of enquiry for the following

Question 1.
You are a librarian in a newly established school. Write a letter to the book dealer inquiring about the list of newly arrived English children’s story books and various subject books relevant to 10-14 age groups.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 1

Question 2.
Venkat hails from a remote village of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu who inspires to become an IAS officer. currently, he is in x. He notices an advertisement on free classes for the IAS aspirants by a trust in a newspaper. He writes a letter to the coordinator of the trust inquiring for further details.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 2

Question 3.
Write a letter to the head of the BSNL office enquiring regarding the internet broadband scheme launched recently.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 3

A. Transform of the following sentences

Question 1.
On seeing the teacher, the children stood up. (into Complex)
When the children saw the teacher, they stood up.

Question 2.
At the age of six, Varsha started learning music, (into Complex)
Varsha started learning music when she was six years old.

Question 3.
As Varun is a voracious reader, he buys a lot of books, (into Simple)
Varun, being a voracious reader, buys a lot of books.

Question 4.
4. Walk carefully lest you will fall down, (into Complex)
Unless you walk carefully, you will fall down.

Question 5.
Besides being a dancer, she is a singer, (into Compound)
RASI She is both a dancer and a singer.

Question 6.
He is sick but he attends the rehearsal, (into Simple)
In spite of being sick he attends the rehearsal.

Question 7.
If Meena reads more, she will become proficient in the language, (into Compound)
ESI Meena must read more otherwise she will not become proficient. (or)
Meena should read more and then only she will become proficient.

Question 8.
He confessed that he was guilty, (into Simple)
He confessed his guilt.

Question 9.
The boy could not attend the special classes due to his mothers illness, (into Compound)
The boy’s mother was sick and so he could not attend the special classes.

Question 10.
He followed my suggestion, (into Complex)
He followed what I suggested.

B. Combine the pairs of sentences below into simple, complex and compound.

Question 1.
Radha was ill. She was not hospitalised.
Simple: Being ill Radha was hospitalised.
Complex: As Radha was ill she was hospitalised.
Compound: Radha was ill and so she was hospitalised.

Question 2.
The students were intelligent. They could answer the questions correctly.
Simple: The intelligent students could answer the questions correctly.
Complex: The students, who were intelligent, could answer the questions correctly.
Compound: The students were intelligent and so they could answer the questions correctly

Question 3.
I must get a visa. I can travel abroad
Simple: I must get a visa to travel abroad.
Complex: If I get a visa, I can travel abroad.
Compound: I must get a visa then only I can travel abroad

Question 4.
I saw a tiger it was wounded.
Simple: I saw a wounded tiger.
Complex: I saw a tiger which was wounded.
Compound: I saw a tiger it was wounded.

Question 5.
There was a bandh. The shops remained closed.
Simple: The shops remained closed due to bandh.
Complex: since there was a bandh the shops remained closed.
Compound: There was a bandh and so the shops remained closed

The Dying Detective BY Arthur Conan Doyle

sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 – 1930) was a British detective fiction writer featuring the character of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle has written over forty-six such short stories, the notable works include “Stories of Sherlock Holmes” and “The Lost World”.

The Dying Detective Key Points

  • Dr. Watson, the narrator is informed of Mr. Holmes’ serious illness by Mrs. Hudson, Holmes’ Landlady.
  • Holmes contracts the deadly and contagious disease Formosa plague from the Chinese sailors while at work at Rotherhithe.
  • Holmes doesn’t allow even a doctor in to cure him. Starves for three days and looks deathly ill.
  • Watson offers to bring Dr. Ainstree but Holmes only locks the door and keeps Watson in for two hours – till 6 O’clock to get the only person – Culverton Smith, of 13 Lower Burke Street – who knows all about the deadly disease.
  • Watson meets Inspector Morton who enquires about Holmes sickness.
  • Watson goes to Smith’s house,
  • Watson pleads with Smith to save Holmes.
  • On hearing about Holmes, Smith readily goes to meet him.
  • Watson leaves on a pretext of an appointment.
  • Smith meets Holmes who knew that he alone had a high knowledge of Eastern Diseases.
  • Smith, informs Holmes of Victor’s death due to the same disease on the fourth day.
  • Holmes is sure that Smith was behind victor’s death. But Smith is sure none could prove it.
  • Holmes, unable to recall incidents pleads with Smith to cure him.
  • Smith questions whether he received any box by post. Holmes accepts he got a box with a spring that drew blood.
  • Smith tries his level best to take away the last piece of evidence the box, and tells it isn’t a joke but it is deathly and Holmes would die of it.
  • But Holmes asks Smith to save him.
  • Holmes asks him to light the gas to see him better.
  • Smith comes to know that Holmes has acted very well by starving for 3 days and seeming sick.
  • In the meantime, Inspector Mortan arrives to arrest Smith on the charges of murder of Victor.
  • Thus Holmes plays the role of a dying detective, in identifying Smith as the murderer of Victor Savage

The Dying Detective Summary

The narrator Mr. Watson is informed by Mr. Holmes’ landlady that Holmes is seriously ill. He has contracted a deadly contagious disease, Formosa plague from the Chinese sailors while at work at Rotherhithe. Everyone expresses shock over his illness including Inspector Morton who meets Watson and enquires about Holmes.

Holmes starves for three days without food and water and looks deathly pale. He does not permit even a doctor to come close to him. Watson offers to help Holmes but he refuses and doesn’t even want Dr. Ainstree to be brought.

Holmes locks the door and asks Watson to wait for two hours. In the mean time he asks him to read. Unable to read, Watson walks around to find a small black and white ivory box with sliding lid. But Holmes does not permit him even to touch it.

After some time, Holmes asks him to put his money in the watch pocket and light the gas only half on. He asks Watson to place some papers within Holmes’ reach, before Watson leaves to bring Mr. Culverton Smith of 13 Lower Burke Street, who according to Holmes, is the only highly knowledgeable person about Eastern Diseases.

Overhearing Mr. Culverton Smith telling his butler that he was not here, Watson rushes to plead with Smith to save Holmes. As soon as Smith heard the name of Holmes he rushes to visit him Waston goes away on a pretext of an appointment. Holmes meets Mr. Smith and informs him that he knows everything about the symptoms of the disease. Mr. Smith also speaks of Victor Savage who died of the same disease on the fourth day.

But Holmes insists that it was only Smith who killed him. But Smith is sure it can’t be proved. As Holmes pleads with Smith to cure him, Smith asks Holmes whether he received a box by post. Holmes said he received a box with a spring that sucked blood and it was a joke. Smith clearly states that it wasn’t a joke and that in spite of knowing so much about Victor’s death he shouldn’t have crossed Smith’s path and added Holmes death was near.

Holmes asks Smith to turn up the gas to have a better look at him, and Smith is shocked to see Holmes who admits that he was only acting all the while. Footsteps are heard by the narrator and inspector Morton arrests Smith on charges of murder.

Holmes apologises to Watson for having undermined his capabilities as a doctor. He did it only to bring in Smith who had killed his nephew. He wanted to kill Holmes, too to avoid imprisonment. Holmes gets ready to have nutritious food at Simpsons’ and thanks Watson.

The Dying Detective Glossary

advancing – moving forward
aroused – awaken
bald – without hair
bolted – closed the door with a latch
bulter – waiter
coincidence – instance of things happening at the same time
Confidence – self-trust
contagious – spreading of a disease from one person to another
crowns – former British coins
dejection – sadness
delirious – disturbed state of mind
dreadful – fearful appearance
evidence – proof
flushed – become red in the face
frail – weak and delicate
gaunt – lean, because of suffering or age
groaned – made a painful noise
hesitant – slow to act or speak
horrified – filled with shock or fear
ignorant – not knowing facts
listless – lacking energy
mental piece – a structure of wood above a fireplace
persuade – force
plague – a contagions bacterial disease
plead – beg
pretending – acting
startled – felt sudden shock or alarm
stipulated – within limit
scuffle – to have a sudden short fight
symptoms – signs
tongs – a device with two long pieces free at one
twitched – give sudden jerking movement

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 9

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 7 The Dying Detective - 10

Monday 7 December 2020

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 6 The Last LessonSeptember 18, 2019 by Laxmi

The Last Lesson In text Questions

Question a.
What kind of news was usually put up on the bulletin board?
All bad news like lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer, came from the Bulletin board.

Question b.
What was the usual scene when school began every day?
When school began every day, there was a great bustle of opening and closing of the desks, lessons were repeated in unison loudly and the teachers ruler rapped on the table.

Question c.
Other than the students, who were present in the class?
The village people, old Hauser, the former mayor, the former postmaster and several others were present in the class, besides the students.

Question d.
Why did Mr. Hamel say it was the last French lesson?
The order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. So Mr. Hamel said that was the last French lesson.

Question e.
What was Franz asked to tell? Was he able to answer?
Franz was asked to recite the rule for participle all through. But he got mixed up on the first words and stood there nervous.

Question f.
Why did Mr.Hamel blame himself?
Mr. Hamel blamed himself because he had often sent Franz to water his flowers instead of learning his lessons and when he went for fishing he gave him a holiday.

Question g.
What did M. Hamel say about the French language?
M. Hamel said that French was the most beautiful language in the world – the clearest, the most logical and that they must guard it and never forget it.

Question h.
How many years had M. Hamel been in the village?
M. Hamel had been in the village for forty years.

The Last Lesson Textual Questions

A. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
Why did Franz dread to go to school that day?
Franz dreaded to go to school that day because M.Hamel had said he would question them on participles and he did not know the first word about them.

Question 2.
What were the various things that tempted Franz to spend his day outdoors?
The day was warm and bright. The birds were chirping and in the open field back of the saw mill the Prussian soldiers were drilling.

Question 3.
Why was the narrator not able to get to his desk without being seen?
The narrator was not able to get to his desk without being seen because that day everything was quiet about the school. He had to open the door and go in before everybody, who were in their places already.

Question 4.
What was Franz sorry for?
Franz was sorry for not learning his lessons, for having found his books heavy and his history of the saints, were old friends, now that he couldn’t give up. He also felt sorry for Hamel who was going away.

Question 5.
Why were the old villagers sitting in the last desk?
The old villagers sat in the last desks feeling sad that, that was the last French lesson that would be taught at school. They were sorry that they hadn’t gone to school, it was their way of thanking the master for his forty years of faithful service.

Question 6.
What were the thoughts of the narrator’s parents?
The narrator’s parents preferred to send him to work on a farm or at the mills so as to have a little more money.

Question 7.
Why does M. Hamel say that we must guard our language?
M. Hamel said that we must guard our language among us and never forget it because when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.

Question 8.
M. Hamel was gazing at many things. What were they?
M.Hamel was gazing at his garden outside the window, his class in front of him, the walnut- trees in the garden and the hopvine that he had planted twined about the windows to the roof, with a broken heart that he is leaving all.

Question 9.
When and how did M. Hamel bid farewell to the class?
When the trumpets of the Prussians sounded under their windows, M.Hamel stood up, very pale, with words choking his throat, he turned to the blackboard, and wrote “LONG LIVE FRANCE!” in French with a great deal of effort and a heavy heart.

Short Questions & Answers – Additional

Question 1.
What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school?
The order from Berlin directed schools in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine in France to teach German instead of French.

Question 2.
How did franz react to the declaration that it was their last french lesson?
Franz was shocked and sad when he heard this news.Suddenly he developed a liking for his language and was keen to learn french. He was remorseful for not learning well in the past and was sad that his teacher, Mr.Hamel would go away.

Question 3.
What was franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Franz was expected to be prepared with particples that day as Mr.Hamel had told the class that he would be taking a test on the that day.

Question 4.
What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
Usually when the school began there would be a lot of commotion. But that day everything was quiet and it appeared to be like a Sunday, but the students were at their places and Mr. Hamel was walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm.

Question 5.
What had been put up on the bulletin-board?
The bulletin-board notified the general public about an order from Berlin. It stated that only German was to be taught to students in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

Question 6.
Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean?
The Frenchmen were highly patriotic and took a pride in their language. A strong feeling of revolt was in the air against the Germans. Franz did not accept their rule and thought that whether the Germans would make the pigeons sing in the German language.

Question 7.
How did Franz find teaching and learning that day?
Franz found teaching and learning very interesting that day. He was very attentive and careful. Franz also realized that M Hamel had never explained everything with so much patience

B. Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words:

Question 1.
We appreciate the value of something only when we are about to lose it. Explain this with reference to the French language and M. Hamel.
The order from Berlin read that only German should be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, after the Prussians defeated the French and the districts of Alsace and Lorraine came under Prussians. They not only wanted the territory but also wanted their language and culture of Germans to dominate it. M.Hamel who had taught French for forty years, felt the pain when the French language was being taught for the last time in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

He told that French was the most beautiful language, the most logical and that it was language that should be guarded, to have that as the key to the prison of the enslaved people.

Question 2.
Give an account of the last day of M. Hamel in school.
In honour of his last French lesson, M. Hamel put on his fine Sunday clothes and the old villagers were present to respect his forty years of faithful service. In the class room Hamel told Franz that the Prussians would find fault with the Frenchmen that they did not know to read or write French. As he spoke about many things, he said that French was the language to be .held and guarded to be used as a key to the prison of the enslaved.

He took a grammar lesson a lesson in writing and kept gazing at the garden and the classroom where he had spent 40 years of his life. When the trumpets of the Prussians were finally blown, M. Hamel stood up, but could not speak out of grief and wrote “Long Live France” in French on the blackboard and dismissed the school.

Paragraph Questions & Answers Additional

Question 1.
Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. Describe how regretful M. Hamel and the village elders are for having neglected their native language, French.
When Berlin ordered that the French language would no longer be taught in schools in the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine, it stirred the otherwise lazy Frenchmen. Suddenly, they all had a strong desire to learn how to read and write their mother tongue. It was not only the children who went to school but also the elders of the village who had not studied seriously in their childhood, putting off ‘unimportant’ works to the next day. The day finally arrived as the last day of the French language in the schools.

They become serious and keen to learn as they feel the German would laugh at them for not knowing their own language. They are ashamed of themselves when the teacher says that this lack of knowledge is the reason for their defeat to the Germans and asks them to guard their mother tongue as being.close to ones language is the key to escape from the prison of slavery.

Question 2
What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
The order from Berlin brought all the routine hustle-bustle of the school life to a stand-still. The teacher, M. Hamel, became more sympathetic to his students and taught his lessons with more patience. The students became more attentive in their classes. The villagers, who were sitting at the usually empty back benches and had come to show their respect and gratitude to M. Hamel, regretted not going to school more than they did.

The order also brought about a great change in the feelings of the people towards their country and their native language. There was a general sadness about not being able to utilise the opportunities of learning French when it was easily accessible.

Question 3.
How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Franz was shocked when M. Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin and that it was their last French lesson. He forgot about his teacher’s ruler and crankiness. He developed a fondness for M. Hamel at the troubling idea of being separated from him forever. He understood the pain and agony his teacher was undergoing. And, he became more sympathetic towards his teacher.

His school too, now, carried a different meaning. His books and lessons seemed old friends whom he couldn’t give up. He realised with pain how much French meant to him and regretted not being attentive in his classes earlier. Suddenly, he felt that the ‘difficult concepts’ had never actually been difficult.


C. In column A are some of the idiomatic phrases from the essay. Match them with equivalent single words in column B:

go farsucceed
blow upexplode
Show upreveal
Call onRequire
Break offfinish
Knuckle undersubmit

D. Frame sentences of your own using the above idiomatic phrases.

  1. she decided to ………………….. a head of competitors.
  2. The terrorists …………………… the hotel.
  3. The thieves ……………….. at the court.
  4. The prime minister ………………… the flood victims.
  5. He voice …………………… as she was singing.
  6. The soldiers refused to …………………. the pressure of their enemies


  1. go far
  2. blew up
  3. showed themselves up
  4. called on
  5. broke off
  6. knuckle under

E. Given below are some idiomatic phrases. Find the meaning of it using the dictionary:

Put onWalk away
Come inTime out
Try againTry again


put onwear
come inenter
try againrepeat
walk awayavoid
time outtime is over


F. Listen to the article titled “Remembering Nel Jayaraman

In pairs, present an interview. One student will be the interviewer and the other would be Nel Jayaraman himself. Two sets of conversations has been given as examples for your help.

Student A : (interviewer) – Vanakkam sir. For what cause do you organise festivals?
Student B : (NJ) -1 organise these festivals with a difference. I present seeds to all the participating farmers.

Student A : (interviewer) – Oh ! That’s really good, Sir. What do you expect in return?
Student B : (NJ) – In return I expect them to have double the harvest next year.

Student A : (interviewer) – Where did you organise the NEL festival?
Student B : (NJ) –I organised the NEL festival at Thiruvarur.

Student A : (interviewer) – Can you mention how many people congregated for the meeting?
Student B : (NJ) – 5,000 people congregated for the meeting.

Student A : (interviewer) – What did you distribute to the farmers?
Student B : (NJ) -I distributed the traditional paddy seeds.

Student A : (interviewer) – How did you commute to each these villages?
Student B : (NJ) –I commuted to each village by my cycle or by bus.

Student A : (interviewer) – Ayya, Do you plan your schedules?
Student B : (NJ) – No. I do not plan my schedules.

Student A : (interviewer) – How could you remain so cool and clam sir?
Student B : ( NJ) -1 have an alternative .

Student A : (interviewer) – Where was your heart and soul?
Student B : (NJ) – My heart and soul was in the paddy fields.

Student A : (interviewer) – People say when your popularity grew, you spent less time in the field?
Student B : (NJ) – It is wrong. I spent more time in the field.

Student A : (interviewer) – What is your message to the world?
Student B : ( NJ) – If you work selflessly for the society, it will give back.

Student A : (interviewer) – Thank you, Sir. Nandri
Student B : (NJ) – Nandri.


G. A road map is given below. Answer the questions that follow with the help of the road map. Work in pairs and discuss to give directions to get to one place from another.

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Question 1.
You are at the market. You need directions to go the pharmacy.
From the market, go straight on Park Street. Take your left at Museum on Central Avenue. At the end of the road, on your right, you will find the pharmacy.

Question 2.
You are in a book shop. Ask your partner to direct you to the Art Gallery.
Go straight on Central Avenue. Cross the Post Office and take your left on South Road. Take your right on George Street. You will find the Art Gallery on your left.

Question 3.
Give your partner the directions to go from the Bank to the hotel
Oil Take your right and immediate left from the bank on to Central Avenue.. Cross the Post Office and turn left on South Road. At the end of South Road, turn left on George Street. The hotel is on your left.

Question 4.
Direct your partner from the post office to the market.
Walk towards South Road from the Post Office. Turn left go straight on the South Road. Then turn left on George Street. Go straight. At the end of George street you will find the Market on your right.

Question 5.
Your partner wants to go the library from school. Give suitable directions.
From the school on Central Avenue walk straight and turn left on North Road. Walk straight down the lane and turn left on George Street. You will find the Library on the right.


H. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks.
(a) ………………….. is the festival which fills our hearts with delight.
(b) …………………….. is referred to as a festival of sacrifice.
(a) Festival of light
(b) Joy of giving

Question 2.
What kind of joy is unfurled during the festival of sacrifice?
Joy of giving is unfurled during the festival of sacrifice.

Question 3.
How can we make our life worth living?
Giving things joyfully and celebrating them well makes our life worth living.

Question 4.
What does the poet mean by ‘Festival of flowers’?
CGBI ‘Festival of flowers’ brings out the brightness of colours.

Question 5.
When are we in a state of trance?
We are in a trance during the festival of dance.

Question 6.
What do the people do when the festival of Music is celebrated?
During the festival of music people sing the joyous lyric.

Question 7.
What makes us happy and free, according to the poet?
Sharing the word of love from above makes us happy and free.

Question 8.
Find out the rhyme scheme employed in the fourth stanza.
ab, ab, is the rhyme scheme in the fourth stanza.

Question 9.
Pick out the rhyming words from the first stanza of the poem.
harvest – best; light – delight, are the rhyming words in the first stanza.

Question 10.
Write down the words that alliterate in the poetic lines below.
(a) Festival of Flowers
(b) That spreads treasures on a tree
(a) Festivals, Flowers
(b) That, treasures, tree


I. Create posters for following

Question 1.
You are Raja/ Ranjani. Draft a poster to create awareness about the harmful effects of using plastics, in not more than 50 words.
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Question 2.
Say ‘No to Drugs’ – Design a poster for it in not more than 50 words. You may use slogans/ phrases.
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Question 3.
“Save our Earth” is the need of the hour. Draft a poster with attractive slogans/ phrases for same in not more than 50 words. Use attractive drawings.
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Question 4.
You are Sita/ Sudhan. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to focus on not wasting water. Be creative.
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Question 5.
Good handwriting is the index of an individual. Design a poster on the importance of good handwriting. Use catchy slogans or phrases. Your poster should not exceed 50 words.
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j. Draft letters for the following

Question 1.
You are Ajeet, living in a remote village in Tirunelveli. You participated in a health camp organised by your school. You were surprised to observe that most of the residents were unaware of health and hygiene. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor stating the need to organise such camps focusing on the importance of health and hygiene.
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Question 2.
You are Sanjay. Your colony utilises solar energy to light the common areas. You find many friends of your colony forgetting to switch off the lights in the common area. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to a newspaper, echoing the importance to conserve and preserve solar energy.
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Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 6 The Last Lesson -22

Question 3.
You are Sadasivam. You recently visited your native town in Vellore. You happened to accompany your grandmother to your family temple. You were shocked to notice the poor condition and maintenance of the temple. Write a letter to the Editor of local newspaper highlighting the poor condition of the temple. Also give some suggestions and request the HRC to take steps to improve the situation.
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Question 4.
You are Sudha. Your neighbour has a pet dog that barks continuously. Write a letter to the Editor of a weekly newspaper of your locality, highlighting the nuisance and noise pollution created thus. Also suggest ways to solve the problem.
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Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 6 The Last Lesson -24

Question 5.
You are Raja. The street lights of your area do not work properly. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to the newspaper enlightening them about the problem and also suggest ways to brighten the area.
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A. Fill in the blanks appropriately.

  1. Mahatma Gandhi ………………. the father of our nation.
  2. There …………………. ten dogs in my street
  3. They …………………… to write the exercises neatly.
  4. Buttermilk ………………….. good for health.
  5. Fruits ……………………… good for health.


  1. is
  2. are
  3. have
  4. is
  5. are

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb:

  1. The quality of dal ………………….. not good.
  2. The horse carriage ………………. at the door.
  3. My friend and teacher ……………….come.
  4. ……………… your father and mother at home?
  5. Honour and glory ……………… his reward.
  6. The ship with its crew ……………… sailing good.
  7. Gullivers Travels ……………… an excellent story.
  8. Neither food nor water ……………. found here.
  9. Mathematics ………………… a branch of study.
  10. Fifteen minutes ………………….. allowed to read the question paper.


  1. is
  2. is
  3. have
  4. Are
  5. is
  6. is
  7. is
  8. is
  9. is
  10. is

C. Change the singular nouns to plurals by either adding s’, ies’, es’, Ves


Additional exercises:


D. Identify the non-finites in the following sentences and underline them

  1. Roshan dreams of becoming an architect.
  2. We must aim at fulfilling Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s dream to make India the most developed country by 2020.
  3. Taking the children to the museum is Seema’s responsibility.
  4. Having finished the work, the manager decided to return home.
  5. Travelling with her family, Tara enjoyed every minute of it.

E. Replace the underlined words by a participle in the following sentences:

Question 1.
While Sudha was climbing the stairs, she tripped and fell down.
On climbing the stairs Sudha tripped and fell down.

Question 2.
After her evening prayers, my grandmother went to the temple.
After completing her evening prayers my grandmother went to the temple.

Question 3.
Since he is a king, he can order everybody.
Being a king he can order everybody.

Question 4.
They took the last wicket and walked back to the pavilion.
Haring taken the last cricket, they walked back to the pavilion.

Question 5.
When he saw the train in the platform he rushed.
On seeing the train in the platform he rushed.

F. Fill in the blank with the correct alternative:

  1. ………………….. on the flute, Krishna returned it. {Played / Having played}
  2. We wish she continues ……………. healthy, {being /be}
  3. The doctor advised him against ………………. in the sun. {wander / wandering}
  4. I like ……………….. rasam. {drinking / drink}
  5. ………………… the scissors I returned it to her. {Using / Having used} [


  1. Having played
  2. being
  3. wandering
  4. drinking
  5. Having used

G. Tick the correct sentences:

1I had desired to eat a cake.I had desired to have eaten cake.
2My son is fond of music.My son is fond to music.
3Sreena avoids eating fruits.Sreena avoids to eat fruits.
4Bravery is not to pick a quarrel.Bravery is not picking a quarrel.
55. It is easier to say than do.It is easier said than done.

The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet

Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) is a French novelist and short-story writer. He began his career as a school teacher in the South of France. He quit it to make a living as a journalist in Paris. Then he took to writing and his poems were collected into a small volume, “Les Amoureuses” (1858). The Last Lesson is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) in which France was defeated by Prussia led by Bismarck.

The Last Lesson Key Points

  • The Last Lesson is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870- 1871)
  • Prussian forces under Bismarck attacked and captured France.
  • The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine went into Prussian hands. (Germany was a part of Prussia).
  • The new Prussian rulers discontinued the teaching of French in the schools of these two districts.
  • The French teachers were asked to leave.
  • Franz was a student and he was afraid of going to school as he had not learnt participles.
  • He wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature, such as the bright sunshine, the birds, chirruping in the woods.
  • The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field.
  • Franz hurried off to school.
  • There was a crowd in front of the Bulletin board at the town hall.
  • It had all their bad news for the last two years such as the lost battles, the draft and the orders of the commanding officer.
  • The Blacksmith, Wachter was reading the bulletin. He told Franz not to go so fast to school.
  • Franz noticed the changes in the school.
  • Instead of noisy classrooms, everything was as quiet as Sunday morning.
  • The teacher, M. Hamel, did not scold him and told him very kindly to go to his seat.
  • The teacher was dressed as if it was an inspection day or prize day. •
  • The villagers including old Hauser, former Mayor, former Postmaster were occupying the last benches.
  • Everybody looked sad. The teacher told them that, that was the last lesson he would give them.
  • The Order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
  • The new master would come the next day.
  • The teacher informed them that, that would be their last French lesson.
  • Franz assumed that, that was the notice put up on the bulletin board.
  • He realized that he did not know his own mother tongue.
  • He realized that he did not know his own mother tongue.
  • He regretted why he had not taken his lessons seriously.
  • He also realized the reason why the teacher put on his Sunday clothes and the villagers sitting at the back.
  • It was their way of thanking the teacher for his 40 years of faithful service and also of showing their respect for the country (France).
  • The teacher understood that all three, the children, the parents and he himself were to be blamed for losing respect and regard for their mother tongue, French.
  • He advised them to keep their mother tongue always close to their heart as it was the key to their prison of slavery.
  • The teacher started teaching the grammar lesson and the students understood it so easily.
  • After grammar, they had a lesson in writing.
  • The teacher gave them copies written in a beautiful round hand – France, Alsace, France, Alsace.
  • Franz wondered if Prussians could force the pigeons to sing in German.
  • The students very well remembered the last lesson.
  • When the church-clock struck twelve, the teacher stood up with emotions and he was unable to talk.
  • Then, with all his might, he wrote on the blackboard “Long Live France”.
  • The story describes the sadness of the whole situation about how people feel when they don’t learn their own language.
  • It tells us about the significance of one’s language in one’s life for the very existence of a race and how important it is to safeguard it.

The Last Lesson Summary

The story is narrated by a French student Franz. He dislikes studying French and hates his teacher M. Hamel. After overpowering their districts of Alsace and Lorraine in France, Berlin has ordered that the German language is to be taught in the schools, instead of French. It is the last day of their French teacher M. Hamel, who has been there for forty years. He is full of grief, regret and patriotism. As a mark of respect for his hard work, the village men also attend his ‘last lesson. They are sad as they have not learnt their mother tongue, French in their childhood. Franz is shocked to know that it is his last lesson, as he does not know French.

Now, suddenly, he gets interested in learning it and understands everything taught on that day. He develops an instant liking for the teacher, M. Hamel and respects him for his sincerity and hard work. He feels sad at departing from him and is ashamed for not being able to recite the lesson of participles. M. Hamel tells them that they all are at fault for not being eager enough to learn, putting it off to the next day. He blames himself for not teaching them sincerely. His patriotism is reflected in his praise for the French language as being the most beautiful and most logical language in the world. He tells the class to guard their language as being close to one’s language is the key to escape from the prison of slavery. It will help them in getting free from the Germans. They realize the importance of learning their mother tongue.

The Last Lesson Glossary

chirping (v) – making a short, sharp high pitched sound (usually by small birds or insects)
bustle (v) – move in an energetic manner
unison (n) – simultaneous utterance of words
rapping (v) – striking with a series of rapid audible blows
thumbed (v) – a book which has been read often and bearing the marks of frequent handling
cranky (adj.) – strange
Saar – a river in northeastern France and western Germany
Angelus (n) – a Roman Catholic devotion commemorating the Incarnation of Jesus and including the Hail Mary, said at morning, noon, and sunset.

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