Wednesday 18 August 2021

Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers

Tamilnadu State Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers

Tech Bloomers In Text Questions

Tech Bloomers Question a.
What is the future of technology?
The future of technology is beyond our imagination but certainly possible with modern gadgets.

Question b.
How many people in India suffer with disability?
2.7 Crore people in India suffer with disability.

Question c.
Who is Kim?
Kim is the Assistive Technologist at Alisha’s School.

Tech Bloomers Lesson Plan Question d.
How does Kim help Alisha?
Kim introduced Alisha to Dragon Dictate, which had opened up the world to Alisha. It has made her more independent and she is able to study on her own.

Question e.
Why is technology important according to David?
Technology is important to David because it enables him to communicate and be independent.

Question f.
Which instrument does David control with his eye movements?
David uses a Liberator Communication Device, which he controls with his eye movements for his verbal communication.

Technology Is a Boon to the Disabled Justify Question g.
What devices help David to move from one place to other?
AAC device and EC02 with ECO point are the devices that help David to move from one place to the other.

latestrecentold / outdated

Tech Bloomers Textual Questions

A. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.

Bloomers Lesson Question 1.
What are the benefits of the internet to the common man?
Technology impacts the environment, people and society as a whole. The Internet benefits a common man to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort.

Question 2.
Do you think technology has improved communication? How?
Yes, technology has improved communication. Through a piece of technology called Dragon Dictate, Alisha who suffers from Cerebral palsy can speak now and the words appear on her screen. Then she can print them out. It made her achieve things which she had dreamt.

Prose Synonym Question 3.
How does David operate computers with the Liberator Communication Device?
David operates computers with the Liberator Communication Device by controlling it with his eye movements. It has a Bluetooth adaptor. So it lets him use any PC or Mac by sending commands.

Question 4.
Which devices are controlled using ACTIV controller?
TV, Blu-ray and music players are controlled using ACTIV controller.

Question 5.
Who says these words: “I want everyone to know the difference technology has made in my life”?
Alisha says these words to make the world know the difference that technology has made in her life.

Bloomers Synonym Question 6.
Which software helps Alisha to overcome her difficulty in typing?
Dragon Dictate is a software which helped Alisha to overcome her difficulty in typing.

Question 7.
Name a few Indian innovations which are helpful to the disabled and make their day to day life
Lechal Shoes by Krispian Lawrence, Blee watch by Industrial designers Nupura Kirloskar and Janhavi Joshi of Mumbai and IGEST by Anil Prabhakar.

Question 8.
Is it possible to control the computer screen with eye gaze?
Yes, it is possible to control the computer screen with Eye Gaze. That means, when we are reading, we can move from page to page using the pupils of our eyes.

Tech Bloomers Lesson Question 9.
Suggest ways of making our society inclusive.
Keeping in touch with our family, talking to them, seeing relatives, who live far away, making , friends, communicating and controlling our environment, finding opportunities, getting qualified and being independent are the ways of making our society inclusive.

Question 10.
How would you help the people with disabilities in your neighborhood?
I would introduce them to the Latest and modern Technology, so that it can make them more confident and independent. This technology allows the differently abled learners to learn with their peers as well as contribute fruitfully.

Short Questions & Answers – Additional

Question 1.
What is a reality now?
Managing entertainment and home appliances by voice commands or by swapping the finger is a reality now. Work is made easier than before.

Question 2.
How are India’s disabled deprived of?
Unlike the developed world, India’s disabled are deprived by attitudinal barriers, as they continue to fight with the challenges of access, acceptance and inclusion.

Question 3.
What was the problem faced by Alisha?
She has cerebral palsy and she cannot physically type as fast as she thinks. But now she is able to do it by a piece of technology called Dragon Dictate.

Question 4.
How can you control a computer screen with an Eye Gaze?
If someone has very limited movement, they can control a computer screen with an eye gaze that is by moving the screen from page to page using the pupils of our eyes.

Question 5.
What did David use when he started out with AAC?
When David first started out with AAC, he used a head switch to access his AAC device, running a page-based system, which took lots of navigation and effort.

Question 6.
How does David control his play station?
David controls his play station with a bespoke switch system, drives his electric wheelchair with head switches and uses the ECO point Eye Gaze system to communicate and access the computer.

Question 7.
With how many students does Kim work? How?
Kim works with all 42 students at school. She helps them to use technology in different ways. She is amazing. Without her, the students would lose out so many opportunities.

Question 8.
What did David say about the Liberator Communication Device?
He said that it was a great feeling when he learnt to use it. It took him only a couple of weeks to learn. Communicating with people was very difficult before using it.

B. Answer in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.

Question 1.
How do we use technology in our day to day lives?
Technology impacts the environment, people and the society as a whole. The way we use technology determines if its impacts are positive to the society or negative. We use mobile phones, tablet, Digital Dictionary, e-Book reader and video games as the latest technology. All these are useful to make our work easier. It makes us to keep in touch with our family members by talking to them, whenever we want to. We can see our relatives, who live far away from us. It also helps us to make friends, communicate with them and control our environment. It can help us to study, get qualifications and find opportunities for work. It can make us confident and independent. Learning has now become a more inclusive way for us by this technology.

Question 2.
“Technology is a boon to the disabled”. Justify.
‘Technology is a boon to the disabled because it made to a lot of difference in their life. Now the differently-abled people can do their day to day tasks of life like travelling, communicating, learning, doing business and living a comfortable life. They are able to fight with the challenges of access, acceptance and inclusion. In this lesson, Alisha and David’s life has changed with the use of technology. Alisha couldn’t physically type as just as she thinks. After she was introduced to a piece of technology called Dragon Dictate, she can speak now the words appear on her screen. Then she can print them out. Kim who is an Assistive Technologist helps students to use technology in different ways. The use of technology enabled David and others to communicate and be independent.

Paragraph Questions & Answers – Additional

Question 1.
How did David’s life change with the use of technology?
David was born with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy and attended a specialist school and college. I He had been using a high tech communication aid, since he was eight-years old and has been I interested in AAC and technology ever since. With lots of effort and navigation, he learnt I to use the device. He then used an EC02 with ECO point, making his selections with a foot ® switch. David is also a keen sportsman, regularly playing football, boccia, hockey and baseball. He is a sports leader and uses his EC02 linked to an interactive white board to teach PE lessons. He also uses it to speak in complete sentences with correct syntax. He controls his play station and also plays MP3 on his EC02 from morning till night. Thus Technology has changed his life.

Question 2.
Alisha wanted everyone to know the difference that technology has made in her life. Justify.
Alisha has cerebral palsy and she cannot physically type as fast as she thinks. But after using a ’ piece of technology called ‘Dragon Dictate’, she can speak and the words appear on her screen.
Then she can print them out. It made a huge difference to her. It made her achieve things she only dreamt of. Her teacher told her to do her Maths GCSE. At first, Alisha thought she could never do that certification. Kim, an Assistive Technologist, introduced Alisha to ‘Dragon Dictate’. It has made her more independent. She is doing now her Maths GCSE. So technology has opened up a new world to Alisha and other young disabled.


C. Pick out the contractions from the lesson and expand them.

i’mI am
you’reyou are
It’sIt has
Don’tDo not
didn’tdid not
I’dI would

D. Expand the following abbreviations or acronyms.
SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
ISRO – Indian Space Research Organisation
WHO – World Health Organisation
CCTV – Closed Circuit Television
HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface
LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging
CRY – Child Rights and You
RAM – Random Access Memory
ROM – Read Only Memory
CPU – Central Processing Unit
ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit

E. Complete the sentences with the correct abbreviations or acronyms from the given list.
etc. BCE e.g HD m IQ GPS p.m. vs

  1. My dad wakes up very early in the morning because he has to be at work at 6.00____________.
  2. Socrates, the famous Classical Greek Athenian philosopher, died in 399 ____________.
  3. Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous Italian polymath, a painter, a sculptor, an architect, a musician, a scientist _________.
  4. I usually return home from work at 10.30 ____________.
  5. John downloaded a clip from YouTube in __________ quality.
  6. There are many irregular verbs in the English language ___________ break, do, make.
  7. I’m watching a great football match, Barcelona _________Real Madrid.
  8. Humans who dive without protection can survive 300 __________ underwater.
  9. A 11-year-old girl just beat Einstein on an __________ test.
  10. We used the __________ facility to track the location.


  1. a.m.
  2. BCE
  3. etc.
  4. p.m.
  5. HD
  6. e.g.
  7. vs
  8. m
  9. IQ
  10. GPS


F. Listen to the passage and state whether the statements information (N)? are true (T), false (F) or no

  1. Santhiya can’t live without her mobile phone.
  2. She got her mobile in January.
  3. Her parents bought her the mobile phone one year ago.
  4. There’s a calculator in her mobile.
  5. She can connect to the Internet on her mobile.
  6. She usually listens to music on her mobile.
  7. She can’t read emails on her mobile.
  8. There are often a lot of problems with mobile phones.
  9. Santhiya always talks on her mobile to her friends.
  10. She doesn’t like mobile phones.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True
  6. False
  7. False
  8. True
  9. True
  10. False

G. Listen to the passage again and answer the questions.

Question 1.
Where does Santhiya keep her mobile?
in her Bag or in her pocket

Question 2.
What can she use it for?
to communicate, to calculate, to browse internet

Question 3.
When was she cycling?
She was cycling last year on a holiday

Question 4.
What happened there?
Her friend fell off her bike and broke her leg

Question 5.
How did Santhiya solve the problem?.
She telephoned a doctor for help

H. Complete the sentences after reading the passage.

1. Santhiya’s parents and friends can always _______ her.
2. Her mobile phone is also a kind of _______.
3. On the cycling holiday after the accident, Santhiya phoned for ______ _.
4. Mobile phones often ________at the wrong moment.
5. Children can feel ________ when they have their mobile phones with them.

  1. talk to
  2. information
  3. a doctor
  4. ring
  5. safe


I. Prepare on any one of the topics given below and present before your English teacher.

Question 1.
Prepare a welcome address on the occasion of Republic day celebration.

Welcome Address

Good Morning to one and all.

It is our pleasure to introduce our chief guest Mr. Rajasekaran who is very well known to all of us, because of his service to Mankind in the field of Education. He was a District Education Officer at Ponneri for five years. Now he is working as a Secretary in a government aided school in Ambattur. He values the knowledge imparted to the students. During his tenure, he has brought a lot of changes in the field of Education. We are honoured to have him as our chief guest amidst Republic Day Celebration. I take this opportunity to welcome you, sir for this celebration. I would also like to welcome the other dignitaries on the stage on this happy occasion. Thank you.

Question 2.
Prepare a Vote of thanks on the occasion of Independence day celebration.

Vote of Thanks

Respected Chief Guest, Principal, Teachers, Parents and Students. It is my privilege to propose the vote of thanks to this gathering. Today my words are not enough to express my gratitude. On behalf of the organizing committee and our school, I would like to thank our Chief Guest Mrs. Ambika Thomas who graced the occasion with her presence and guidance. She has given her valuable thoughts and ideas to our students. We are also grateful to all the parents present here. Your encouragement has helped us to organise such important events. I would like to thank our Principal for giving me this opportunity and making this day a great day. Thank you.

Question 3.
Mock anchoring for annual day celebration

Mock Anchoring for Annual Day Celebration:

  • Good evening everyone. It is my honour to welcome you all on this day, where we will be celebrating our school’s achievements. We are truly blessed with your presence.
  • Please give a big round of applause for our Chief Guest Mr. Srujit Sharma. He is the State Education Minister.
  • He has done tremendous work in the field of Education. I also welcome our Principal Madam Mrs. Sharmila Shastri.
  • Now I request you all to stand for the prayer song. Let us invoke the blessings of God Almighty.
  • I request the Chief Guest to light the lamp. -Thank you, Sir.
  • I invite our Principal to welcome the gathering – Thank you, Madam.
  • I request on the chief guest to address the gathering.
  • Thank you for your inspiring speech, Sir.
  • Now, it’s time to begin our cultural – the entertainment show of this evening. Let us witness and enjoy.
  • I thank the chief guest for gracing this occasion with his presence. I thank our Principal for making this occasion a great one. I also thank each and every one of you who is present here for your cooperation to make this event a successful one.


J. Read the comic strip and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What do you mean by cyber safety?
Cyber safety is about keeping information safe.

Question 2.
How do you behave in a virtual platform?
We need to respect the values and sentiments of others as part of global network we have to follow internet ethics.

Question 3.
Can we read and access the information free of cost?
Yes, we can read and access the information, free of cost.

Question 4.
Do you think that all the information online can be used without any permission?
No, we have to get the permission of the author for some information.

Question 5.
Which website do you often access? Why?
I often access Google Website because it is secure.


K. Fill in the missing words in this email.
Dear sir,
In response to your mail, I have prepared a model for the Science Fest. Please find attached the document for your kind perusal. I look forward to hearing from you.

L. Write an email to your teacher about the interesting English model that you have prepared for the literary fest.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers - 1

M. Practice Exercise

You are the receptionist of your school. Your Head master instructs you to send a message to all the parents of class ten to attend a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meet which is to be held on 22.12.2019.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers - 2


N. Write about Your Favourite Sports person/ Famous personality/Hobby/ Recipe by starting your own blog.

My Hobby

My hobby is singing all types of songs. I like to sing classical songs wherever they request me to perform. I have learned classical music right from my young age. I am good in Carnatic music. During my school days, in Std V, I used to go to learn Carnatic music in the evenings. I used to concentrate more on singing and learning music than in my academics. If I hear there is a musical show, I will not miss it. I will force on my parents to take me to the show. My brother gets irritated of my singing because he loves pop music. He hates to listen to Carnatic music. But I am bothered about him. I continue singing whoever gives a chance to sing. It has become my inborn delight.


Write the words that can replace Ravi, Rani, woman, luggage and the dog when we use them for the second and subsequent times in the passage he, she, it.

These words are called pronouns.

B. Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns.

Kumaravel lives in Thiruvannamalai. (1) ___________ is a doctor. All the people like (2) ___________ because of (3) ___________ helping nature. (4)___________ hospital is located at Car street and most of (5)___________ patients are poor so (6) ___________ does not charge much money. (7) ___________ daughter goes to school. (8) ___________
studies in 5th Standard. (9) ___________ teachers love (10) ___________ very much. (11) ___________ friends are also very good. (12) ___________ always encourage (13) ___________ . (14) ___________ have given (15) ___________ good advice. (16) ___________ mother is also a teacher. (17) ___________ always encourages (18) ___________ to keep studying. I also like her as (19) ___________ often comes to (20) ___________ house. One day (21) ___________ told my mother that (22) ___________ wants to learn cooking. (23) ___________ mother taught (24) ___________ cooking. Now, (25) ___________ cooks well.

  1. He
  2. him
  3. his
  4. His
  5. his
  6. he
  7. His
  8. She
  9. Her
  10. her
  11. Her
  12. They
  13. her
  14. They
  15. her
  16. Her
  17. She
  18. her
  19. she
  20. my
  21. she
  22. she
  23. My
  24. her
  25. she

B. Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns.

  1. __________ is an excellent opportunity.
  2. __________ of these two students can solve this question.
  3. __________ books have been written by a great Indian writer.
  4. __________ have come to know the truth.
  5. __________ of the students have passed the exam.
  6. __________ of your friends can guide you.
  7. __________ is your storv based on your real life.
  8. __________ All your friends will guide .
  9. __________ of his family members would come to visit you.
  10. __________ of those books will be helpful to you.
  11. ___________is your bag, you can take it anytime.
  12. ___________He is responsible for the downfall of his life.


  1. This
  2. One
  3. These
  4. They
  5. Many
  6. Some
  7. This
  8. you
  9. All
  10. Some
  11. This
  12. himself

D. Join the sentences using ‘Relative Pronouns’.

Question 1.
I have a book. It is written by Rabindranath Tagore.
I have a book, which is written by Rabindranath Tagore.

Question 2.
Kavita is my teacher. She teaches us English.
Kavita is my teacher, who teaches us English.

Question 3.
This is Varun. His father is an architect.
This is Varun, whose father is an architect.

Question 4.
She invited most of her friends. They attended the party.
Most of her friends whom she invited attended the party.

Question 5.
Give me a pen to write a letter. It was gifted to you on your birthday.
Give me a pen which was gifted to you on your birthday to write a letter.

Question 6.
I have sold the house. It was located at the bank of a river.
I have sold the house, that was located at the bank of a river.

Question 7.
Here is your watch. It has been found in the garden.
Here is your watch, which has been found in the garden.

E. Read the different verb forms where they remain the same in the direct and indirect speech in the following cases. Fill in the blanks with missing indirect speech.

1. If the reporting verb is in the present tense.

Kirsh: “I am enjoying my holiday.:
Kirsh says that he is enjoying his holiday.
Kavi: “I will never go to work.”
Kavi says that she will never go to work.

2. When we report a universal truth (something that is always true).

Balu: “Asia is the largest continent.”
Balu said that Asia is the largest continent.
Alisha: “People in Africa are starving.”
Alisha said that people in Africa are starving.

3. With modal verbs would, might, could, should, ought to, used to.

Shalini: “I might come.”
Shalini said that she might come.
Vinoth: “I would try it.”
Vinoth said that he would try it.

4. With would rather, had better.

Chitti: “I would rather fly.”
Chitti said that he would rather fly.
Sophia: “They had better go.”
Sophia said that they had better go.

5. In if-causes and time-clauses.

Sriram: “If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy.”
Sriram said that if he tidied his room, his dad would be happy.
Jaheer: “When I was staying in Madurai I met my best friend.”
Jaheer said that when he was staying in Madurai, he met his best friend.

6. ‘ We do not usually change the modal verbs must and needn’t. But must can become had to or
would have to and needn’t can become didn’t have to or wouldn’t have to if we want to express an obligation. Would/wouldn’t have to are used to talk about future obligations.

She: “I must wash up.”
She said that she must wash up / she had to wash up.
He: “We must do it in June.”
He said that they must do it in June / they had to do in June.

F. Read the following dialogue and report it.

Johnson asked Suganthi (1) ___________ And he said (2) ___________ since June. Suganthi explained that
(3) ___________ . back from her holiday in Ooty. Johnson wondered if (4) ___________ it. Suganthi told him that she
(5) ___________ Ooty and that the people (6) ___________ so friendly. Johnson wanted to know (7) ___________ to the
Coakers Walk. Suganthi said that it (8) ___________ first trip and that she (9) ___________ some pictures. And then
she asked him if he (10) ___________ Johnson explained that he (11) ___________ a couple of things. But he added
that he (12) ___________ free at night. Suganthi suggested that he (13) ___________ place and asked him at what
time (14) ___________ . Johnson said he (15) ___________ there at eight. And finally he asked (16) ___________ all right.

  1. what she was doing there
  2. that he hadn’t seen her
  3. she had just come
  4. she enjoyed
  5. loved
  6. were
  7. if she had gone
  8. was her
  9. could show him
  10. is doing anything the next day
  11. had to arrange
  12. is
  13. might come to her
  14. they should meet
  15. would be
  16. if it was

G. Tick the right choice (Indirect Speech).
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers - 3

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers - 4

Question 1.
What do you infer the above pictures?
The increased use of technology by the younger generation is apparent.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Tech Bloomers - 5

Question 2.
Look at the above electronic gadgets. If you were given a chance to remodel a device, in which device you would bring in changes and what would be those changes?
I would like to remodel the gaming device the changed are to insert a hard disc or a memory card in it, so that we install or download more games.

Tech Bloomers

This lesson talks about the use of technology by a normal person and in empowering the disabled to do their day to day chores of life – to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort. Technology impacts the environment, people and the society as a whole. The way we use technology determines if its impacts are positive to the society or negative.

Tech Bloomers Key Points

  • This lesson is about the use of technology by a normal person and the disabled to do their day to day routine work in life.
  • Alisha and David’s life has changed with the use of technology.
  • About 2.21 percent of India’s population is disabled.
  • They continue to fight with the challenges of access, acceptance and inclusion.
  • Alisha has cerebral palsy and she can’t physically type as fast as she thinks.
  • After using a piece of technology called Dragon Dictate, she can speak and the words appear on her screen.
  • Her teacher motivated her to do her GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).
  • Kim, the Assistive Technologist, introduced her to Dragon Dictate.
  • Only then, she had the confidence to do the GCSE.
  • 21 year old David uses a ‘Liberator Communication Device’, which he controls with his eye movements.
  • He has an ‘ACITV’ controller also in the headrest of his chair. With this, he can control his TV, Blu-ray and music players.
  • David was bom with ‘Athetoid Cerebral Palsy’. He has been using a high tech communication aid since he was eight years old.
  • He has been interested in AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). Then he started using ECO2 with ECO point, making his selection with a foot switch.
  • He uses his ECO2 to speak in complete sentences with a competent communicator.
  • Thus, Technology makes our life easier and allows the differently abled learners to learn with confidence.

Tech Bloomers Summary

This lesson is about the use of technology in empowering the disabled to do their day to day chores of life, like travelling, communicating, learning, doing business and living in comfort. Alisha and Davids life has changed with the use of technology.

Technology has not only made a normal persons life easier but it is also a boon to citizens with special needs. 2.21 percent of India’s population is disabled. They are deprived by attitudinal barriers. They continue to fight with the challenges of access, acceptance and inclusion.

Alisha had cerebral palsy and she could not physically type as fast as she thinks. After using a piece of technology called Dragon Dictate, now she can speak and the words appear on her screen. Then she can print, do her GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

But Alisha thought that she could not do it as studying was difficult for her. Kim, the Assistive Technologist at her school, introduced her to Dragon Dictate. This opened up the world to Alisha. She had confidence after using this software. She is now able to do the GCSE. There are many different types of technology that can help a young disabled person become independent. If someone has very limited movement, they can control a computer screen with ‘Eye Gaze’. A 21 year old David uses a ‘Liberator Communication Device’ which he controls with his eye movements. He has an ‘ACTIV’,controller also in the headrest of his chair. With this, he can control his TV, Blu-ray and music players.

David was born with ‘Athetoid Cerebral Palsy’. He has been using a high tech communication aid since he was eight years old. He has been interested in ‘AAC’ (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). Then he started using an ECO2 with ECO point, making his selections with a foot switch. He is also a keen sportsman, regularly playing football, boccia, hockey and baseball. He uses his EC02 to speak in complete sentences with correct syntax. He has become a confident and competent communicator. He had recently been selected to travel to Brazil to work with the Olympic opening ceremony team as part of the Remix Drama Group. Thus Technology makes our life easier. It impacts the environment, people and the society as a whole. Newer Technology allows differently abled learners to learn with their peers as well as contribute fruitfully to the collaborative process of learning.

Tech Bloomers Glossary

assistive technologist (n) – a person who assists with technological gadgets to overcome disability
cerebral palsy (n) – permanent tightening of the muscles caused by damage to the brain
cloister (adj) – enclosed by
collaborative process (adj) – produced by or involving two or more parties working together
Dragon Dictate (n) – a software which recognizes speech and converts it to text
gaze (v) – stare at something for a long time
grapple (v) – to fight, especially in order to win something
icon – image / idol
impairment – the act of spoiling something
inclusion (n) interactive – the act of including someone or something
Liberator Communication – involving communication between people
Device (n) – a special device used to communicate with eye movements
navigation – finding and following something
syntax – grammatical structure of sentences
threshold – (here) approach

latestrecentold / outdated

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