Thursday 10 September 2020

His First Flight Text Questions

His First Flight In Text Questions
a. Why did the seagull fail to fly?
The seagull failed to fly because he did not have confidence on his wings and he had fear to fly.
b. What did the parents do, when the young seagull failed to fly?
His parents tried to make him fly by scolding him and threatening him to starve on his ledge.
c. What was the first catch of the young seagull’s older brother?
The first catch of the young sea gull’s older brother was a herring.
d. What did the young seagull manage to find in his search for food on the ledge?
The young seagull managed to find dried pieces of eggshell in his search for food on the ledge.
e. What did the young bird do to seek the attention of his parents?
He stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing. He closed one eye, then the other and
pretended to be falling asleep. This was done by the bird to seek the attention of his parents.
f. What made the young seagull go mad?
His mother was standing on a little high hump on the plateau. She was tearing a piece of fish that lay at her feet. She scraped each side of her beak on the rock. The sight of the food maddened him.
g. Why did the young bird utter a joyful scream?
The young bird saw his mother picking up a piece of fish and flying across to him. Seeing this, the bird uttered a joyful scream.
h. Did the mother bird offer any food to the young bird?
No, the mother bird did not offer any food to the young bird.
i. How did the bird feel when it started flying for the first time?
He felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, stomach and wings. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air.
j. What did the young bird’s family do when he started flying?
They were flying around him, praising, soaring and diving together with him.
His First Flight Textual Questions
A. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.
Question 1.
How was the young seagull’s first attempt to fly?
The young seagull tried to fly. But he was scared to do so. His parents, brothers and sister persuaded him to fly. They also motivated him. But the young seagull felt that his wings would not support him.
Question 2.
How did the parents support and encourage the young seagull’s brothers and sister?
His parents were flying about with his brothers and sister. They were perfecting them in the art of flight. They also taught them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish.
Question 3.
Give an instance that shows the pathetic condition of the young bird.
The young seagull had not eaten since the previous nightfall. There was not a single scrap of food left. He searched for food every inch of the straw nest. He even chewed at the dried pieces of eggshell.
Question 4.
How did the bird try to reach its parents without having to fly?
The young seagull ran back and forth from one end of the ledge to the other end. His long grey legs stepped daintily, trying to find some means of reaching his parents without flying.
Question 5.
Do you think that the young seagulls parents were harsh to him? Why?
Yes, they were harsh towards the seagull because they wanted him to learn the art of flying without any one’s help.
Question 6.
What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
His mother picked up a piece of fish and flew across to him with it. But then she halted, just opposite to him. She was almost within reach of his beak. Maddened by hunger, the young seagull dived at the fish. This act of his mother prompted the young seagull to fly finally.
Question 7.
What happened to the young seagull when it landed on the green sea?
When the young seagull landed on the green sea, his legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again. He was exhausted. His feet sank into the sea. His belly touched it. He sank no further. He was floating on it.
Short Questions & Answers – Additional
Question 1.
How many brothers and sisters did the young seagull have? When did they fly away from the ledge?
The young seagull had two brothers and one sister. They flew away the previous day from the ledge.
Question 2.
Where did the seagull run back, when he was frightened to fly? Why was he afraid?
The young seagull ran back to the little hole under the ledge, where he slept at night. He was afraid to see the vast expanse of the sea beneath him.
Question 3.
What appeared so desperate to the seagull?
The seagull failed to gather the courage to take a plunge into the sea. This appeared so desperate to him.
Question 4.
How long was the seagull alone without anyone near him? Why did he feel the heat?
He was alone for twenty four hours without anyone near him. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.
Question 5.
Where did he search for food?
He searched every inch, rooting among the rough, dirt-caked straw nest, where he and his brothers and sister had been hatched.
B. Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph of about 100-150 words.
Question 1.
Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying.
The young seagull was afraid of flying. His parents strove their level best to teach the young seagull to fly but in vain. The parents, brothers and sister thought a plan to teach him to fly. They flew away to another rock and left him alone. They did not give him anything to eat. He stood there on one leg and closed his eyes. He was very hungry. He searched for food everywhere. He even chewed the dried pieces of the eggshells. He saw his mother tearing a piece of fish. He begged his mother to give him food. So the mother flew with the piece of fish to the young seagull. When she reached over him, she became motionless in the air. She did not get down on the rock. She wanted to give the young seagull an incentive to fly. The seagull bent forward and jumped at the fish. He was much frightened. But he began to flap his wings to save himself.
Question 2.
Your parents sometimes behave like the young bird’s parents. They may seem cruel and unrelenting. Does it mean that they do not care for you? Explain your views about it with reference from the story.
Parents really care for about their children. They may be seen as cruel, but they are not so. The mother seagull turned to be cruel but her intention was kind. She wanted to give the young seagull an incentive to fly. Likewise, our parents may be sometimes harsh and strict. We would feel that they don’t understand our feelings and are cruel to us. But we realize later that they are like this, only to give us encouragement and to avoid our fear and doubts. They guide us to overcome our fears in life. We have to conquer our fear and venture forth. Only then we will realize that we are born with wings.
Paragraph Question & Answer Additional
Question 1.
What is the message of the lesson ‘His first flight’?
‘His first flight’ is a parable. The seagulls convey the message of self-confidence, motivation and self-reliance. The mother seagull motivates the young one enough to get him to learn flying. The young seagull realises the importance of belief and faith. He flaps his wings to learn . flying and gain the confidence to be independent. The story conveys “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. The parable also stresses the importance of family ties and devoted support. It tells about the painful process of learning an important lesson in life.

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