Tuesday 13 October 2020

10 STD unit 3 Empowered Women Navigating The WorldEmpowered Women Navigating The World In Text Questions

10 STD unit 3 Empowered Women Navigating The WorldEmpowered Women Navigating The World In Text Questions

a. What does INSV stand for?
INSV stands for “Indian Naval Ship Vessel”.

b. When was INSV Trainings commissioned to Indian Navy service?
INSV Tarini was commissioned on 18th February 2017 to the Indian Navy Service.

c. Who is Tara-Tarini? After whom was the sailboat n

d. Where did the crew undergo their basic training?
The crew underwent their basic training courses in Mumbai at the Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre and at various schools in the southern naval base in Kochi.

e. How long were they trained to undertake this voyage?
They were trained for almost three years to undertake the voyage.

f. Which skill was considered important in the selection process?
Little Survival skills were considered important in the selection process

The crew underwent their basic training courses in Mumbai at the Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre and at various schools in the southern naval base in Kochi.

e. How long were they trained to undertake this voyage?
They were trained for almost three years to undertake the voyage.

f. Which skill was considered important in the selection process?
Little Survival skills were considered important in the select.

g. Who mentored the crew?
Commander Dilip Donde mentored the crew.

h. Which quality of the skipper helped to bring out a successful expedition?
The quality of honesty helped them to bring out a successful expedition.

i. Who among the crew mentioned about teamwork?
Lt. Payal Gupta was the one, who mentioned about teamwork.

j. When did they witness the brilliant southern lights from the sea? How did the sky appear there?
When they were crossing the Tasman sea, they witnessed the brilliant Southern Lights from the sea.
The entire sky was lit up in green light

k. What festival did they celebrate during their expedition?
They celebrated Diwali during their expedition at sea.

Empowered Women Navigating The World Textual Questions

A. Read the statements given below and state whether they are true or false. If false, then. write the correct Answer in the space given.

1. Indian Navy’s all-women crew was the first-ever to circumnavigate the globe. True

2. The crew consists of six members of men and women Indian Navy service.
The crew consists of six members of women Indian Navy service

3. Vartika Joshi skippered the crew to circumnavigate the globe. True

4. The crew started their expedition on 10 July 2017 from Mumbai.
The crew started their expedition on 10 September 2017 from Goa.

5. Dilip Donde was the first person to go on a non-stop solo circumnavigation. True

B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Mention the special features of INSV Tarini.
INSV Tarini is the second sailboat of the Indian Navy. It is a 55 feet sailing vessel built in India by M/s Aquarius Shipyard Pvt. Ltd, located in Goa. After undergoing extensive sea trials, she was commissioned to the Indian Navy service on 18th February 2017.

2. What does the term circumnavigation mean?
Circumnavigation means the action of sailing or otherwise travelling all the way around the world.

3. How did the all-women Indian Navy crew go about their voyage?

The crew started their voyage from Goa. It covered the expedition in five legs with stop-overs at four ports (Fremantle, Australia; Lyttleton, New Zealand; Port Stanley, the Falklands and Cape Town, South Africa) for replenishment of ration and repair as necessary.

4. When did the crew start their voyage? When did they return back to India? How many days did it take to complete the expedition?
The crew started their voyage on 10th September 2017 from Goa. They returned to Goa on 21st May 2018. It took 254 days to complete the expedition.

5. What sort of training did the crew undergo before their expedition?
The crew started with some theoretical courses on navigation, communication and weather prediction. They were also given hands-on training, like, how to repair things and how to deal with emergencies.

6. How did the crew members work as a team to make their expedition successful?
The crew members as a team discussed in different ways of solving a problem and choose the best one. It was easier for them to collaborate and work together.

 7.what challenging tasks did the team face during their voyage?

They encountered a storm where the seas were almost nine to ten meters high and the winds were picking up to 60 to 70 knots. When something broke down, they were able to fix it together, after hard work and effort.

8. What sort of activities did the crew engage in during their long voyage?
They picked up some hobbies and kept posting pictures of delicacies. They also read books, did some quilling and craft work. Swathi cooked delicious dishes. They also watched movies and listened to music.

9. Mention the celebrations which the crew enjoyed during their expeditions.
The crew celebrated Diwali at sea. They also celebrated three birthdays including the first birthday of the boat, specific occasions like crossing the equator and the International Date Line.

10. Which factor motivated the crew to undertake this expedition?
One of the motives that they kept in mind was that they did not want to frighten the people by telling them about their challenges at sea. They decided that once the circumnavigating was over, they are going to show what they have actually gone through.

C. Answer the following in about 100 – 150 words:

1. Highlight the factors responsible for the all-women Indian Navy crew to carry out their expedition.
Navika Sagar Parikrama was a project undertaken in agreement with the National policy to entrust women to attain their full potential. The project is considered essential towards promoting ocean sailing activities in the Navy while depicting Government of India’s thrust for women power. The voyage was aimed to show case “Make in India” initiative by sailing onboard domestically built INSV Tarini.

The special feature of this sailboat is that it encouraged the use of environment friendly, non-conventional renewable energy resources such as the wind. It collected and updated meteorological, ocean and wave data on regular basis. This is implemented for accurate weather forecast by India Meteorological Department. It also collected data for supervising marine pollution on high seas.

2. Write in detail about the selection and training process which the crew underwent.

The selection process for the expedition was based on survival skills. Out of the thirty women, who had applied, six of them were shortlisted, based on the little survival skills they showcased. The crew was mentored by Commander Dilip Donde. They started the training with some theoretical courses on navigation, communication and weather prediction. Classroom courses were different from sailing outside. So, they were given hands-on training, like, how to repair things and how to deal with emergencies, when the weather gets rough.

The training was needed even in tactical aspects as well. They underwent their basic sail training courses in Mumbai at the Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre. They also had training at various schools in the southern naval base in Kochi. They were trained for almost three years to prepare for the voyage. The trip was a tutorial for them on how to manage food, water and electricity during the big voyage.

Paragraph Questions & Answers – Additional

1. How adventurous was the trip?
The trip was really adventurous, when they were crossing the Tasman Sea. They witnessed the brilliant Southern Lights from the sea. It was rare to watch that in those months from the sea. They were absolutely awestruck, as they were not expecting it. They were astonished to see the entire sky lit up in green light. There was bio-luminescence and dolphins swimming in the wake of the boat like their neighbours. There were also a variety of sea creatures. Once they spotted a dead sperm whale, they thought that it was an island from a distance, it was so huge. Whenever they spotted something in the sea, they had to Google it to learn more about the species. They also encountered a storm in the South Pacific. They overcame all these challenges and completed their expedition.

2. What did Vartika Joshi, the Chief of the crew tell finally about their expedition?
Vartika Joshi was really happy that they had successfully completed their expedition. It was a matter of great honour and they couldn’t have imagined anything better for their cast-off. They were an all-women team. It was a great boost to women in the country. They, as sailors, had seen that the sea does not discriminate between genders. It is always gender neutral. They have realised that gender does not play a role in sailing. But to boost the morale in the country, more women should take in adventures like sailing. She felt it was great that an all-women team had been formed to undergo this expedition. She headed the crew. She and her team completed the journey with ultimate honesty.

Empowered Women Navigating The World Vocabulary

D. Pick out the idioms and phrases from the box and write them in the blanks equivalent to their meanings. One is done for you.

find one’s voice, lend an ear, sharp as a tack, over the moon, on the ball, bring it on, come across, get along, hang on, work outTamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 13

E. Read the given sentences carefully and fill in with appropriate phrasal verbs. Choose them from the help box.

get along with, take off, shut down, look after, warm up

  1. The air hostess instructed the passengers to wear the seat belts during the take off
  2. Venkat felt happy to get along with the neighbours in the new locality.
  3. There will be a shut down next week in the office.
  4. Doing warm up every day in the morning keeps one healthy.
  5. The mother instructed the maid to look after the child carefully.

F. Read the given passage carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs from the help box.

burn off
keep up
build up
tire out
warms up
put on
work out
stretch out

Riya is a young dancer who feels contented and satisfied with herself. Let’s hear from her.

Hi, everyone! I am Riya. I suppose I’m really lucky because I don’t (1) put on weight easily. I never (2) work out in the gym and the only time I (3) stretch out is when I need something from the top shelf. I tried aerobics several times but I couldn’t (4) keep up with the others. I take my pet for a walk thrice a day though, and that helps to (5) burn off the calories. I usually watch what I eat but I sometimes binge on ice cream. My sister Diya, is a real fitness fanatic. Before she works out she (6) warms up every day with push ups, sit ups, stretches and a jog around the park. She says it’s important to (7) build up good levels of strength and stamina. I don’t want to overdo it though. A fitness regime like hers would (8) tire (me) out.

Empowered Women Navigating The World Listening

G. Listen to the passage read by the teacher and say whether the given statement is true or false.

  1. Preethi Srinivasan is a former cricketer from Tamil Nadu. True
  2. At the age of seventeen, she captained the Indian Women’s cricket team. False
    Correct Statement : At the age of seventeen, she captained the Tamil Nadu Women’s Under – 19 Cricket team.
  3. Preethi Srinivasan was not only a cricketer but also a runner. False
    Correct Statement : Preethi Srinivasan was not only a cricketer but also a swimmer.
  4. Preethi’s own trauma inspired her to create SoulFree, a foundation for those suffering from mental illness. False
    Correct Statement : Preethi’s own trauma inspired her to create SoulFree, a foundation for those suffering from spinal cord injuries.
  5. Preethi received the Kalpana Chawla Award for Courage and Daring Enterprise. True

H. Read the clues given below and develop your story. Narrate your story to the class.

Robert Bruce – King – lying on the ground in a dejected mood – failed to defeat his enemies – was thinking of giving up the attempt – saw a spider falling down from the ceiling – the ceiling far away – wondered. how it would get there – the spider fell back again – again it tried – again it fell – it made nine such attempts – no success – climbed up once more – at last succeeded in reaching the roof – Bruce imitated its example – he too tried once again – was successful.
Robert Bruce and the Spider King Robert Bruce was lying on the ground of a cave. He was in a dejected mood. He had failed to defeat his enemies. He had tried many times to defeat them but in vain. So he was thinking of giving up the attempt of winning over his enemies. At that moment, he saw a spider falling down from the ceiling of the cave. The ceiling was far away. He wondered how the spider would get there. The spider climbed and fell back again. Again it tried to climb to the ceiling. It fell again. It made nine such attempts. It did not get any success. He climbed up once more. At last, it succeeded in reaching the roof. King Bruce imitated its example. He too tried once again. He was successful this time. He conquered his enemies.

Empowered Women Navigating The World Speaking

1. Develop a story with the given pictures and narrate it to your class. Your story must have a plot and vivid details.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 1

Huge chest with valuables worth 100 million About 95 per cent of the earth’s oceAnswer: have yet to be explored. And some adventurers are set on uncovering the vast majority of uncharted territory, as well as the treasures that might be buried within.

In July 2018, a team of experts from around the world came together in an effort to explore our mysterious oceAnswer:. While searching the sea floor, the team stumbled upon an incredible treasure that had been lying dormant for 113 years. The team sent divers down into the water in the submersibles to begin the hunt for shipwrecks. Just under a mile off South Korean island in the Sea of Japan, the crew made their first discovery. They found a huge chest with valuables worth 100 million. Their hunt was a big challenge but they reached safely. They are celebrating their success with the world with a big smile on their faces.

Empowered Women Navigating The World Reading

I. Read the data below and Answer the following questions.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 2

Choose the correct Answer.

1. What is the data about?
(a) women empowerment
(b) women power
(c) women at work
(d) women at home
(c) women at work)

2. Identify the three jobs where the same percentage of women work.
(a) Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 3
(b) Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 4
(c) Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 5
(d)Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 6
(b) Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 7

3. In which field of work is women’s involvement the second highest?
(a) Logistics stores
(b) Home maker
(c) Medicine
(d) Administration/Human resource
(c) Medicine

4. Percentage of women working in finance is the same as
(a) Home maker
(b) Information Technology
(c) Technical Field
(d) Administration/Human Resources
(d) Administration / Human Resources

5. What is the difference between the percentage of women working in logistics and Medicine?
(b) 11
(c) 13
(d) 5
(d) 5

Empowered Women Navigating The World Writing

J. Read the given slogans and match them appropriately with their theme.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 8
1 – (e); 2 – (a); 3 – (d); 4 – (c); 5 – (b)]

K. Look at the images of familiar advertisements given below. Identify the products and try to frame your own slogans for each one of them.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 9
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 10

L. Look at the pictures given below and frame your own slogans.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 11

M. Letter Writing :

1. Imagine that you have parked your vehicle i (two-wheeler)/ bicycle inside the school premises. You find it missing in the evening. Write a complaint to the head of the school regarding this issue.
Sreenu. R.
SKR Hr. Sec. School,
Chennai – 600 087.
12th March 2019
The Headmaster
SKR Hr. Sec. School,
Chennai – 600 087.

Respecter sir,
Subject : Complaint about the lost
vehicle – Reg.
I am a student of X Std B section. Today morning, I parked my two wheeler in our school premises and went in to write my board exam. When I came out of the hall, I noticed that my cycle was missing. I searched everywhere, but I could not find ! it at all. I request you, sir, to look into this i matter and help me to get my cycle back.

Thanking you in anticipation.
Your sincerely,
Sreenu. R.

2. Write a complaint to the officer of the PWD department to take immediate actions of maintaining cleanliness in the Children’s Park in your locality.
Ramesh. S.
No. 4, 1st Cross street,
Chennai – 600 082.
2nd March 2019
The Officer
PWD Department
Chennai – 600 099.
Dear sir,
Subject : Complaint about the
maintenance of the park –
This is to bring to your notice that the park in our locality at Peravallur is not maintained properly. We used to go to the park to get some fresh air and relax. Most of us walk there from 5.00 a.m. But now we are unable to do so, as the park is littered with cow dung and other wastes. So I humbly request you to take immediate action to maintain cleanliness in this park in our locality. It would be a great help to all the elders and home makers if you take immediate action.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully.
S. Ramesh.

3. Write a letter to the manager of a famous daily, ordering subscription for your school library.
The Librarian
Kendriya Vidyalaya,
Anna Nagar,
Chennai – 600 040
26th February 2019
The Manager,
Anna Nagar Times,
Anna Nagar,
Chennai – 600 099.
Subject : Ordering subscription for school library – reg.
This is to bring to your notice that you have not given subscription to our school library. We have been promoting your daily news among our school students for the past five months. Now it is time to subscribe for our school library. Kindly do the needful, as soon as possible.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully.
R. Vasanthi
(The Librarian)

A. Complete the sentences in present tense forms.

  1. Saravanan always goes (go) for a walk in the morning.
  2. We are gathering (gather) here for a meeting and the chair person is yet to arrive.
  3. Aruna is eagerly waiting (wait) to meet her friend since morning.
  4. Sheeba is moving (move) to a new house next week.
  5. Naseera is attending (attend) music classes regularly.
  6. Ilakiya and Adhira enjoy (enjoy) each other’s company very much.
  7. Mani has been working (work) in this school for five years.
  8. It is pouring (pour) outside now.

B. Complete the sentences in past tense forms.

  1. I went (go) to her place on foot.
  2. The children were playing (play) in the ground when the teacher arrived.
  3. They  were requesting (request) him when the manager arrived.
  4. If you had worked (work) hard, you would have won the relay match.
  5. Joanna and Joy had already left (leave) for Ooty, when the others reached the station.
  6. We all sang (sing) in the choir last week.
  7. Nancy was always asking (ask) for help.
  8. The office goers were waiting (wait) for the train.

C. Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the brackets in the future form.

  1. We shall not go to the market, in case it rains. (go)
  2. Keerthi will have done his work by next week.(do)
  3. The peon will have rung the bell by the time I reach the school.(ring)
  4. I shall be visiting my sister’s house next April if I go to Uttarkhand. (visit)
  5. If you listen carefully, you will understand my point. (understand).
  6. By next year, I shall have been living in Chennai for fifteen years. (live)
  7. The new edition of this book will be coming out shortly. (come)
  8. She hopes you will help her. (help)

D. Underline the verbs and identify the tense forms.

  1. I am working hard day and night. (Present continuous tense)
  2. The Moon revolves around the Earth. (Simple present tense)
  3. Were the milk men milking the cow? (Past continuous tense)
  4. He received your messages last night. (Past tense)
  5. I have been ll for a couple of days. (Present perfect tense)

E. in the following passage, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given options to complete the passage.

Raghav (a) …………. in a middle class family. He is a (b) ………. boy of 8. His mother (c)…………. as a software engineer in an MNC. (d)……….. is his favourite hobby. He (e) ……………. the first prize in school level competition for drawing last week. He (f) …………….. drawing at the age of 3. His mother (g) he (h) …………….. a great painter in future. .
(a) (i) will be born
(ii) is born
(iii) born
(iv) has born
(ii) is born

(b) (i) school-going
(ii) going to school
(iii) school coming
(iv) school gone
(i) school-going

(c) (i) working
(ii) works
(iii) has worked
(iv) will work
(ii) works

(d) (i) drawn
(ii) had drawn
(iii) drawing
(iv) having drawn
(iii) Drawing

(e) (i) win
(ii) was winning
(iii) wins
(iv) won
(iv) won

(f) (i) was starting
(ii) starting :
(iii) started
(iv) is starting
(iii) started

(g) (i) hoped
(ii) hoping
(iii) hopes .
(iv) has hoped
(iii) hopes

(h) (i) will become
(ii) becomes
(iii) would become
(iv) will be becoming
(iii) would become

F. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in the tense of the verb in each line. Write the wrong word as well as the correct word in the given place. One is done for you.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 Empowered Women Navigating The World 12

G. Read the story and rewrite it using the simple past tense.

Juno the elephant was lonely and tried to make friends with the other animals in the forest. But, the other animals refused to play with Juno because of his size. One day, all the animals were running away from Dera the tiger who was eating everyone he found. Juno went and gave Dera a swift kick. Dera immediately ran away. Juno was now everyone’s friend.

H. Read the situations given and frame two suitable sentences in the appropriate form of the tenses.

Give two instructions to your classmates.

1. Do not make noise.
2. Listen carefully to what is said

Make any two requests to your classmates or friends.

1. Can I use your pen?
2. Please give some water to drink.

Mention any two of your discontinued habits in the correct tense form.

1. I used to play video games before two months.
2. I always used to watch TV when I was in ninth standard.

Mention any of your two dreams in the correct tense form.

1. I wish to become a doctor.
2. I wish I were a bird.

Key Points

  • Advancement of technology shows the real power of women.
  • All women Indian crew travel the world for 254 days in a boat, “INSV Tarini”.
  • Indian Naval ship Tarini, second sailboat of Indian Navy located in Goa.
  • Taken into service on 18th February 2017.
  • Navika Sagar Parikrama project, National policy for women empowerment.
  • Six women crew led by Lt. Commander Vartika Joshi.
  • The crew started Voyage on 10th September 2017 from Goa – a historic day.
  • Returned Goa Port on 21st May 2018. Six member crew broke record stereo types.
  • They faced unpredictable challenges during their expedition.


The real power of women is currently being projected to the world by the advancement of technology and media. Women occupy almost all the major positions in society. At present, their accomplishments are tremendous in many fields. One such achievement is ‘All-women Indian Navy crew who travelled all over the world for 254 days in a sailboat called “INSV Tarini”.

INSV stands for Indian Naval Ship Vessel. Tara-Tarini is the patron deity for sailors and is worshipped for safety and success at sea. This INSV Tarini is the second sailboat of the Indian Navy. It is a 55 feet sailing vessel built in India by M/s Aquarius Shipyard Pvt. Ltd, located in Goa. It was taken into service by the Indian Navy on 18th February 2017. Navika Sagar Parikrama was a project undertaken in agreement with the National policy to empower women to attire their full potential. The voyage was aimed to showcase “Make in India” initiative by sailing on board built INSV Tarini. The Indian Navy had a six women crew. Lt. Commander Vartika Joshi was the Captain of the crew. The all-women team included Lt. Cdr. Pratibh Jamwal, Lt. Cdr. Swathi Patarapalli, Lt. Aishwarya Boddapati, Lt. Sh. Vijaya Devi and Lt. Payal Gupta.

The crew started their voyage on 10th September 2017 from Goa, flagged off by the Defence Minister of India. It was a historic day and it covered the expedition in five legs with stop-overs at four ports. They went around the globe in 254 days and returned Goa port on 21st May 2018. These six members of women crew broke many stereotypes during their record-setting sail. This crew had shared their experiences about their great voyage in an interview. We really come to know their difficulties and unpredictable challenges they have faced all through their expeditions in this interview.

Vartika Joshi said that none of them was acquainted with a sailboat. But they slowly built upon it through three years of training. The training they had was some theoretical courses on navigation, communication and weather prediction. Aishwarya stated that they underwent their basic training courses in Mumbai at the Indian Naval Waterman-ship Training Centre. They were trained for almost three years to prepare for the voyage. The selection process was that out of thirty women, six of them were shortlisted. The crew was mentored by Commander Dilip Donde. Vartika Joshi wanted to make sure that she completed the journey with ultimate honesty.

They completed this journey without the use of the engine at all. Payal Gupta told the interviewer that it was their team-effort which had actually helped them in navigating through the 20 hours long storm at sea. They witnessed the brilliant Southern Lights from the sea. It was rare to watch that in those months from the sea. They also picked some hobbies and kept posting pictures of delicacies like panipuri and cakes. They read books, when the weather was pleasant. Swathi used to cook delicious dishes with the limited resources that they had on the boat. They celebrated Diwali at sea and three birthdays including the first birthday of the boat. As women, it is a matter of great honour. This expedition is a great boost to women in the country to take up adventures like sailing around the world.


anticipate (v) – to foresee; to realize beforehand; to expect; be sure of
apprehensive (adj.) – anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
auxiliary (adj.) – additional; used as a reserve or substitute in case of need
bio-luminescence (n) – the production of light by living organisms
circumnavigate (v) – to travel all the way around something, especially the earth
consonance (n) – agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions
contention (n) – strenuous effort; struggling together in opposition
expedition (n) – a journey or voyage made for some specific purpose, such as of war or exploration
golgappas (n) – the other term for pani puri
indigenously (adv.) – naturally; innately; inherently
morale (n) – emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence especially in the face of hardships
nautical – associated with seaman or ships
replenishment (n) – restoration of a stock or supply to a former level or condition
skippered (v) – to act as a master or captain of a vessel especially a small boat

anticipateforesee, expect, realize beforehanddoubt
apprehensiveanxious, fearfulcalm, confident
attaingain, achievelose
auxiliaryadditional, extramain, essential
circumnavigatetravel around
commissionedassigned, engagedrejected, neglected
consonanceagreement, accord, compatibilitydiscord
contentionstrenuous effort, submissionresistance, defiance
discriminatedifferentiatemix up
droppedbecome less, decreasedincreased
empowerallow, entitledeny
escortguard, attendantenemy
expeditionjourney, voyageblockage, stoppage, halt
extensivevast, majorlimited
frighten       .terrifycomfort
hurricanestorm, typhoon
indigenouslydomestically, natively, naturally, innately, inherentlyforeignly, globally
indulgedtook care ofabstained, avoided .
initiativeplan, schemeinactivity
‘.occupyhold, take overabandon, give up
overcomeconquer, defeatfail
replenishmentrestoration, resupplyremoval
repulsionhatred, aversionattraction
spottedsaw, noticedunnoticed
tacticalplanned, prudentfoolish
tinyvery smallbig
ultimatebest, greatestleast

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