Monday 19 October 2020

10 TH STD supplementary reader unit 3 The Story of Mulan Textual Questions

10 TH STD supplementary reader unit 3 The Story of Mulan Textual Questions

A. Choose the best answers.

1. Mulan goes to the battle instead of her father because ______.
(a) she wants to be a soldier
(b) she was asked to join the army
(c) her father is old
(d) her brother is sick
(c) her father is old

2. What did Mulan do before leaving the house?
(a) took leave from her mother
(b) cut off her hair
(c) prayed
(d), made a dress for war
(b) cut off her hair

3. What is the story about?
(a) winning
(b) friendship
(c) women empowerment
(d) patriotism
(c) women empowerment

4. The emperor asked Mulan to stay with him in the palace as his ______.
(a) wife
(b) royal advisor
(c) army general
(d) friend
(b) royal advisor

5. The emperor gave Mulan ______.
(a) six horses and six swords
(b) a death sentence
(c) gold
(d) six camels
(a) six horses and six swords

6. How did people of the village react to Mulan after her return from the battle?
(a) cheered her
(b) mocked her
(c) punished her
(d) scolded her
(a) cheered her

MCQ – Additional

1. Many years ago, China was _______of a great war.
(a) at the end
(b) in the middle
(c) at the beginning
(d) on the verge
(b) in the middle

2. With her sword, she cut off her _______.
(a) hands
(b) favourite plant
(c) long, black hair
(d) father’s robe
(c) long, black hair

3. “You showed me how to use _______.
(a) a sword
(b) knife
(c) tools
(d) weapons
(a) a sword

4. Mulan swung the sword back and forth _______.
(a) with power
(b) with enthusiasm
(c) with might
(d) in a haste
(c) with might

5. He tried to get up but had to hold on _______.
(a) a bench
(b) to his chair.
(c) to the wall
(d) to Mulan
(b) to his chair.

6. When the doctor came out of Mulan’s tent, he _______.
(a) knew the truth
(b) was abused
(c) knew everything
(d) kept quiet
(a) knew the truth

7. Mulan heard this from inside _______.
(a) her room
(b) her house
(c) her kitchen
(d) her tent
(d) her tent

8. She was not yet strong but _______.
(a) proceeded
(b) stood tall
(c) determined
(d) mentally prepared
(b) stood tall

9. It was such a big victory that _______ gave up at last.
(a) Chinese
(b) soldiers
(c) the enemies
(d) warriors
(c) the enemies

10. He _______ the rule about being a woman.
(a) applied
(b) executed
(c) conducted
(d) set aside
(d) set aside

B. Identify the character or speaker of the following lines.

1. I heard about it in town.
Mulan’s father

2. I am your son now.

3. The General is a woman?
The soldiers

4. Mulan, stay with me in the palace.
The Emperor of China

5. You are too kind sire.

Character or Speaker – Additional

1. “Did you hear what the Emperor says each family must do?”

2. Well, I may as well go pack up.”
Mulan’s father

3. “No, my daughter! You cannot do this!”
Mulan’s father

4. “For years, you trained me in Kung Fu.”

5. “No one will find out, Father.”

6. “How can this be?”
One of the soldiers

7. “She tricked us!”
One of the soldiers

8. “A surprise attack is coming!”

9. “Someone as smart as you would be a fine royal adviser.”’
The Emperor

10. “Then at least take these fine gifts.”
The Emperor

11. Well, I may as well go pack up
Mulan’s father

12. What else can be done?
Mulan’s father

13. Of course, that’s true

14. He is too little. But I have an idea

15. Please sit for a minute. I will be right back.

16. I will do my part for China.

17. Only so that you could stay safe!
Mulan’s father

18. No one will find out.

19. She tricked us!

20. The cost is for her to die!

21. Stay away from our General!

22. He set aside the rule about being a woman.
The Emperor

23. Then at least take these fine gifts.
The Emperor

C. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two.

1. What was the emperor’s order?
The Emperor’s order was that one man from each Chinese family must leave his family. to join the army.

2. Where did Mulan’s father hear about the emperor’s order?
Mulan’s father heard about the Emperor’s order in town.

3. Why couldn’t Mulan’s brother go to war?
Mulan’s brother couldn’t go to the war because he was a child.

4. Why did Mulan disguise herself as a man?
Mulan disguised herself as a man because women were not allowed to join the army.

5. How did the soldiers become sick?
A bad fever swept through the army. So, many soldiers became sick.

6. How would she be punished if found guilty?
if found guilty, she would be killed.

7. Why did the emperor give her fine gifts?
The Emperor gave her fine gifts because she won the battle and saved China.

8. How did the soldiers come to know about Mulan’s real identity?
When a bad fever swept the army, all the soldiers became sick. Even Mulan was affected by this fever. When the doctor examined Mulan in her tent, the doctor came to know that she was a woman and informed the soldiers.

D. Answer the following questions in a paragraph.

Question 1.
Sketch the character of Mulan.
Mulan was a brave warrior who saved China from the enemies. She was determined, courageous and intelligent. She was unselfish too. The incident which best attests to this trait was after returning from the war, the Emperor offered her the post of royal advisor. She refused the post and simply told that she wanted to return home. Mulan’s determination helped her through her adventures defeating the enemies’ army. She never gave up in bad situations. At war, she was very intelligent and was a quick planner. This attitude won her the war for the Chinese. She fought in the battle for twelve years and gained high merit. She refused any rewards except for six fine horses and six fine swords.

Question 2.
Do you agree with Mulan’s decision to go to war? Justify.
Yes, Mulan’s decision to go to the war was correct. She is a patriotic girl who wanted to fight for her country. When the Emperor of China insisted that one man from each family should join the army, she was ready to join the army disguised as a man. At first, her father decided to join the army. But Mulan protested that he could not go as he was old and sick. Her brother was a child. So she decided to join the army. Her father was afraid that the Emperor would kill her, if he knew that she was a woman. But Mulan was confident that no one would find her. She cut her hair like a man and picked up the sword. She bade him goodbye, climbed on a horse and went to join the Emperor’s army.

Paragraph Question & Answer – Additional

Question 1.
How did Mulan prove her ability in the army?
In the army, Mulan proved to be a brave soldier. In course of time, she was put in charge of other soldiers. Her battles went on so well that she was put in-charge of more soldiers. Her battles kept on going well. After a few years, Mulan was given the top job. She was the General of the entire army. Not long after that, a very bad fever swept through the army. Many soldiers were sick. And Mulan, the General of the army, became sick, too. When the doctor came out of Mulan’s tent, he knew the truth. The soldier protested to kill Mulan, as she had cheated them. But when Mulan won another battle of a surprise attack, they calmed down. She guided them where to hide to attack the enemies and gave them support. The Emperor was glad. After that, no one cared that Mulan was a woman.

The Story of Mulan Additional Questions

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Many years ago, (i) ________ was in the middle of (ii) ________. The Emperor said that (iii) ________ from each (iv) __________ must leave his family to (v) ________.
(a) one man
(b) China
(c) a great war
(d) join the army
(e) chinese family
(i) (b) China
(ii) (c) a great war
(iii) (a) one man
(iv) (e) Chinese family
(v) (4) join the army

2. Mulan ran into the house. Her (i) ________ was sitting (ii) ________, carving (iii) ________ “Father!” she said. “Did you hear what the (iv) ________ says each (v) ________ must do?”
(a) family
(b) Emperor
(c) father
(d) a piece of wood
(e) in a chair
(i) (c) father
(ii) (e) in a chair
(iii) (d) a piece of wood
(iv) (b) Emperor
(v) (a) family

3. Mulan went (i) ________. With her sword, she (ii) ________ her long, black hair. She put on her
(iii) ________. Going back to her father, (iv) ________ said, “Look at me. I am your son now. I will go (v) ________.
(a) Mulan
(b) in your place
(c) cut off
(d) into her room
(e) father’s robe
(i) (d) into her room
(ii) (c) cut off
(iii) (e) father’s robe
(iv) (a) Mulan
(v) (b) in your place

4. The Emperor was (i) ________ that Mulan had (ii) ________ the long war. He (iii) ________ the rule about being a woman. “Mulan, stay with me (iv) ________,” he said. “Someone as smart as you would be a fine (v) ________”.
(a) set aside
(b) royal advisor
(c) ended
(d) so glad
(e) in the palace
(i) (d) so glad
(ii) (c) ended
(iii) (a) set aside
(iv) (e) in the palace
(v) (b) royal advisor

II. Match the following.
Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 3 The Story of Mulan 1
(i) (c)
(ii) (d)
(iii) (a)
(iv) (e)
(v) (b)

III. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Many years ago, China was in the middle of a great war. The Emperor said that one man from each Chinese family must leave his family to join the army. Mulan, a teenage girl who lived in a faraway vilļage of China, heard the news when she was outside, washing clothes. Mulan ran into the house. Her father was sitting in a chair, carving a piece of wood. “Father!” she said. “Did you hear what the Emperor says each family must do?” “Yes.said her old father, “I heard about it in town. Well, I may as well go pack up.” He put down his carving, stood up and walked very slowly to his room.

(a) What did the Emperor say?
The Emperor said that one man from each Chinese family must leave his family to join the army.

(b) Who was Mulan?
Mulan was a teenage girl who lived in a faraway village in China.’

(c) When did she hear the news?
She heard the news when she was outside, washing clothes.

(d)What was her father doing?
Her father was carving a piece of wood.

(e) Where did her father hear the news?
He heard it in town.

2.“Father, listen please,” said Mulan. “For years, you trained me in Kung Fu. You showed me how to use a sword.” Mulan swung the sword back and forth with might. “Only so that you could stay safe!” said her father. “I never meant for you to go to war. If they find out you are a woman, you know as well as I do that you will die!” “No one will find out, Father,” said Mulan. She picked up her sword. “Mulan!” said the Father. He tried to get up but had to hold on to his chair. The daughter kissed him goodbye. “I love you, Father,” she said. “Take care of yourself. Tell my brother I said goodbye.” She climbed on a family horse. And off she went to join the Emperor’s army.

(a) Who trained Mulan in Kung Fu?
Her father trained Mulan in Kung Fu.

(b) How did she swing the sword?
She swung the sword back and forth with might

(c) Did Mulan’s father want her to go to the war?
No, he did not want her to go to the war.

(d) What would the Emperor do, if he finds that she is a woman?
If the Emperor finds that she is a woman, he would kill her.

(e) How did she go to join the army?
She bade goodbye to her father, climbed on their family horse and went to join the army.

3. In the army, Mulan proved to be a brave soldier. In time, she was put in charge of other soldiers. Her battles went so well that she was put in charge of more soldiers. Her battles kept on going well. After a few years Mulan was given the top job – she would be General of the entire army. Not long after that, a very bad fever swept through the army. Many soldiers were sick. And Mulan, the General of the army, became sick, too.

When the doctor came out of Mulan’s tent, he knew the truth.

“The General is a woman?” yelled the soldiers. “How can this be?” Some called out, “She tricked us!” and “We will not fight for a woman!” They said, “Punish her! Make her pay! The cost is for her to die!” But others called out, in voices just as loud, “With Mulan, we win every battle!” They said, “Stay away from our General!”

(a) How did Mulan prove in the army?
She proved to be a brave soldier.

(b) What duty was given to her?
She was put in-charge of soldiers.

(c) What happened after a few years?
After a few years, she was given the post of the General of the army.

(d) What swept through the army?
A very bad fever swept through the army.

(e) How did the soldiers come to know the truth?
When Mulan was sick, the doctor examined her and told the soldiers that she was a woman.

IV. Mind Map

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 3 The Story of Mulan 2
(i) long, black hair
(ii) her part
(iii) going to the war
(iv) decided
(v) brave warrior

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 3 The Story of Mulan 3
(i) the soldiers
(ii) for a woman
(iii) her pay
(iv) to die
(v) Mulan

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 3 The Story of Mulan 4
(i) big victory
(ii) was saved
(iii) a woman
(iv) long war
(v) advisor

The Story of Mulan Main Characters

Mulan’s father – An old man
Mulan – A Teenage girl
Mulan’s brother – A child

The Story of Mulan Key Points

The story is about Mulan, a teenage girl, who saved China.
When there was a war in China, the Emperor announced that one man from each family should-join the army.
Mulan dressed herself as a man and joined the army as her father was old and her brother was a child.
In the army, she proved to be a brave soldier.
She became the General of the army.
One day, a bad fever swept the army.
Mulan was also affected by this fever.
When the doctor examined her, everyone came to know that she was a woman.
The soldiers became angry and shouted that she should be punished.
Just then a battle came. With a good plan, she attacked the enemy and won the battle.
When she saved China, everyone cheered her.
The Emperor was glad and gifted her with six fine horses and six fine swords.

The Story of Mulan Summary

The story of Mulan is based on the legend of Hua Mulan. It is about a brave girl, Mulan who had saved China. Many years ago, China was in the middle of a great war. The Emperor announced that one man from each Chinese family must leave his family to join the army. Mulan heard the news and told her father. Her father got ready to join the army, as his son was a child and Mulan was a girl. But Mulan stopped him saying that she would go, on behalf of him. She would dress herself as a man and join the army. Her father said that she could not do it. If the Emperor knew about it, he would kill her. Mulan was confident that nothing would happen. She had been trained in Kung-Fu by her father. So she bade good bye and joined the army. In the army, she proved to be a brave soldier. Her battles went so well that she was put in-charge of more soldiers. After a few years, she was given the post of a General of the entire army. After some days, a very bad fever swept through the army. Mulan, the General was also affected by this fever. When the doctor came out of Mulan’s tent, he told the truth to the soldiers.

The soldiers got angry and yelled that she should be punished. But some soldiers protested to this and said that they won every battle with Mulan as the General.

Just then, a soldier ran up and announced about a surprise attack. Mulan got up and proceeded towards the attack. She instructed the soldiers what to do and it worked. The battle was won by them. China was saved. After this victory, no one cared that Mulan was a woman. The Emperor was glad and requested Mulan to be his royal advisor. Mulan refused his offer, saying that she wished to return to her family. So the Emperor gave her six fine horses and six fine swords. She returned to her village and everyone cheered that she was safe.

The Story of Mulan Glossary

carving (v) – an act of cutting a shape or pattern into wood or stone.
robe (n) – a long, loose outer garment reaching the ankles
kung-fu (n) – a Chinese method of fighting that involves using your hands and feet and not using weapons
might (n) – great and impressive power or strength, especially of a nation, large organization, or natural force
bowed (adj) – bending the body forwards from the waist, especially to show respect for someone

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